*~Current Situation~The Wacky Bilbliophile’s Sleep Disorder~*

So… I’m sitting here reading📖 and see that it’s indeed 2:30 effin’ a.m. in the morning.😱 I have to wake my kiddos (who will fight me on waking up😭 and ultimately I will win👏) at 5:45. But, but, but I’m mid chapter!!! One More Chapter should be qualified as a true sleep disorder📈😴. Bilbliophiles worldwide🌎 are losing sleep😫 constantly due to our intense need for one more chapter and turning another page!📖🔖📚We just can’t help ourselves. With sleep deprivation😪, randomness💡 and my absolute need to continue reading📖, I advocate there be clinical trials🔬, therapy📋 and support groups👥 for this disease. They can even say it’s a form of O.C.D. and call it O.M.C.!📑📊 The question is sleep deprivation due to expanding our minds💡 with the power of reading📖 really that harmful?🤔 Let me know your thoughts🗳 and know that this post was written by a sleep deprived and wacky Bilbliophile📚📖. Together we stand💪👫 to turn another page📄, live 1000s of lives🤗 and say fuck it🖕 to sleep because we are badass😎 readers(You won’t hear us SNORE!). See you guys after one more chapter! Oh yeah and Happy Halloween🎃🎊 lovelies!😗 I hope your day is filled with candy🍬, trick or treaters👻, slutty outfits👢👙 and spooky movies😱! Whatever tickles thy pickle🥒!

19 Comments on “*~Current Situation~The Wacky Bilbliophile’s Sleep Disorder~*

  1. Haha…oh man, I once read a novel (The Elfstones of Shanara by Terry Brooks when I was still a teen). It was 4 o’clock in the morning when my mother came bursting into my room asking me why I still had the lights on? I had completely lost track of time so immersed was I into the story lol 😂 The one more chapter rule by me, usually results in: oh okay…let’s do two other chapters….or three….or four….or more 😂😂 Happy Halloween to you🎃🎃🎃


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