Bookish Images

23 Comments on “Bookish Images

  1. *Shakes you by the shoulders* I love these posts and images and everything that’s written in them. These just make me want to read more.


  2. Love the one about people on their phones vs. readers. My husband won’t even put his phone down during dinner (makes me want to throttle him, honestly), but if I opened a book at the family dinner table (not that I would)? Or walked around staring at a book while I pushed a shopping cart at the grocery? Oh, man. Don’t even get me started. 😉

    Always love these posts, Dani!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my gosh that one about being anti social is so true, you see people with their noses in their phones ALL. THE. TIME! And what happens if you are reading a book? You get the side eye for ignoring people and being anti social when they are busy reading the tweets and FB and ignoring you!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. These are great! You always find the best images/gifs. 😀 The struggle is SO REAL about the phone vs. book stigma. People can be on their phones all day long, but the moment I pull out a book suddenly I’M the one who would be considered rude. lol It’s such a silly double standard when you really think about it.


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