Tag: library

*📚Awesome Things Left in Books💌*

I thought these things shared through books were awesome so thought I would share with you awesome people! I have got a book that had a quote written in it that says ” Men are like linoleum if you lay them right you can… Continue Reading “*📚Awesome Things Left in Books💌*”

*Bookshelves that are Calling my Name*📚📗📖

I need these in my life! Yes, all of them!!! Where’s a Salt Daddy or Salt Mama when a girl needs one?!?!

*Book Vending Machines!!! *drools*📚😍

I absolutely love these! I wish I had a book vending machine!!! 📚📖📗🛒🗄💸💡📻

📚Awesome Libraries📚

I’m in love with these libraries!!!!📚📖🎊😍

*Blind Date with a Book*📚

I absolutely love this idea!!!💖📚🍸🤓😍🌺