Keaton Jones ~ A Plea For Help

I’m sharing a post that the one and only amazing Kim wrote! This post is very important yet extremely heartbreaking! Bullying is such a horrible thing that we must raise awareness for! I didn’t even realize a child in South Carolina took their life and I live here. All of this is just devastating! Please read this post or show love on Kim’s post or share! Sending everyone lots of love and letting everyone know I am still battling some serious health concerns so I am not as active as usual but I hope to get better soon! Love you guys!💖

By Hook Or By Book


When Kimberly Jones picked up her 11-year-old son, Keaton, from his school in Knoxville, Tennessee one day last week, he had an unusual request. He asked her to record a video of him in the car.

You see, Keaton was leaving school early, and not for the first time. He was afraid to have lunch at school because classmates had poured milk on him and stuffed food in his clothes.

“They make fun of my nose,” he tearfully says in the video. “They call me ugly. They say I have no friends. Why do they bully? Why do you find joy in taking innocent people and finding a way to be mean to them?” at this point he’s sobbing. He adds: “People that are different don’t need to be criticized about it. It’s not their fault.”

Keaton’s mom posted the video on Facebook last Friday, pleading with parents to talk…

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25 Comments on “Keaton Jones ~ A Plea For Help

  1. You are the best Dani! Thank you for sharing this, as well as your kind words and constant support. There is something seriously wrong with our society when we have babies taking their own lives because no one has stopped the bullying and harassment. WE. NEED. TO. DO. BETTER.

    I hope you’re resting and taking care of yourself.🤗😙🤗😙🤗😙🤗😙

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Well as I commented over on Kim’s blog I have been bullied during my school years for several years. It really got to me and I guess after all these years I still don’t think that I have fully recovered. It’s a sad thing that this keeps happening, and even more sad that so many children have to go through this every day. Kids can be incredibly cruel. I hope your children won’t be affected too much by it: they really don’t deserve that (not that anyone ever does). Very kind of you to share this post. It was a truly amazing and well written item: Kim really is amazing 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so sorry that you went through all of that Michel!!!😭😭😭 You never deserved that. I know no one does but it hurts my heart because I care about you! Some kids can be so cruel. Looking back and seeing how much damage that would do to someone’s self esteem is just horrible and breaks my heart into pieces. I went from being the most popular girl in school and came back the next year all gothed out and I was picked on pretty bad. I was called a witch and because I hung out with the nerdy kids I was a nerd lover and then I was called possessed because my mental illness! I hated that no one would sit by me or anything but when I went to school all decked out for some kind of dressup day I got hit on by the same kids and said the new girl was hot. When I told them who I was they called me psychotic because I would date nerds and dress like I do when I looked like I did. I even had one of the popular girls come up and hit me and said”freak go back to the ugly freak you were” and she spit on me. All because her boyfriend said he would pay for me to keep this look and sleep with him. Ugh I went back to my metal look the next day and never went back really lol. People are so horrible and superficial. I may not have had it bad as a lot of people that’s why I can’t imagine because I know how bad it hurt for me to get that treatment. I’m so sorry that you got bullied for several years, you didn’t deserve that! I think you’re awesome just the way you are!!!😍

      Liked by 2 people

      • Well, now I am in a bit of tears hear, because I care for yours well, and I am truly sorry to hear that you had to go through this. It’s so true though, people care usually about only one thing: the way that person looks. If they dress funny, look strange, or have some other strange outward appearance it usually means people already start to not take you seriously, or even worse have cause to avoid you or form a (usually bad) opinion on you. I have never given a single thought to outward appearances. I seriously could not care less about it. For me what’s important is how someone is from the inside, do they have a great personality ? And for people to have actually done those things to you, it seems they really don’t know you at all. You are such an incredibly heartwarming woman, kind, loyal and so much fun to talk too. Those people seriously should have themselves checked out for treating you that way.
        Seriously thank you for this truly beautiful comment. Your words really mean a lot to me, so thank ou: from the bottom of my heart. You are amazing! 😊😍

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I wish there was a way to stop bullying! There just aren’t enough school officials manning the halls. I was bullied in high school for wearing a wig when my hair fell out from alopecia. I had one girl put gum in it. No clue when she found time to do it, but apparently there wasn’t a teacher around to see it. I wish kids would stop thinking its okay to treat others this way.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s horrible girl!!!😰 I’m so sorry you had to experience that! People can just be awful! I use to rock some wigs myself girl! Don’t forget how gorgeous you are!😊 But I agree that there is not enough officials in the schools and I just don’t understand how people can do horrible things like this. I still feel guilty for one time taking the rest of my dad’s M&Ms when I was 7 and he called me selfish. So you can imagine how much I feel bad for and so if I hurt someone it sticks with me forever. So all this bullying breaks my heart into pieces.😭

      Liked by 1 person

        • It is crazy girl. Still you didn’t deserve that. I just got bullied today on Goodreads. If you go on my new review of Cleaving Souls by Chauncey Rogers someone said I looked like a creepy clown I left the comment there because I flagged it so Goodreads can see it


          • It won’t let me report the sorry ass, otherwise I would. Looks like a troll anywhere because their dumb ass “isn’t accepting friends” and only joined a month ago. You are beautiful. Ignore that hateful asshole!


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