Book Review: The Liar’s Girl

I want to thank NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity and all views and opinions expressed are my own.

Will Hurley was an attractive, charming, and impressive student at Dublin’s elite St. John’s College-and Ireland’s most prolific serial killer. Having stalked his four young victims, he drowned them in the muddy waters of the Grand Canal. Sentenced to life imprisonment when he was just nineteen, Will is locked away in the city’s Central Psychiatric Hospital.

Freshman Alison Smith moved to the Big Smoke to enrol in St. John’s and soon fell hard for Will Hurley. Her world bloomed … and then imploded when Liz, her best friend, became the latest victim of the Canal Killer-and the Canal Killer turned out to be the boy who’d been sleeping in her bed. Alison fled to the Netherlands and, in ten years, has never once looked back.

When a young woman’s body is found in the Grand Canal, Garda detectives visit Will to see if he can assist them in solving what looks like a copycat killing. Instead, Will tells them he has something new to confess-but there’s only one person he’s prepared to confess it to. The last thing Alison wants is to be pulled back into the past she’s worked so hard to leave behind. Reluctantly, she returns to the city she hasn’t set foot in for more than a decade to face the man who murdered the woman she was supposed to become.

Only to discover that, until now, Will has left out the worst part of all …

I give this book 4 out of 5 Thrilling Stars! I really liked this book and thought it had major potential to be a 5 star in my opinion. The issue I had with this book it felt like it was really slow in the beginning and felt like it took forever to get to the thrilling stuff and meat of the story.

Once we get through atleast the first 60 pages or so it was quite suspenseful and thrilling. The plot was great and the characterisation was good as well. I also liked how unique the twists and turns of this story was.

There was a lot of page turning moments and know that this story will capture a large amount of readers’ attention! Man did some of it make me cringe!

I just think with the beginning it set me off a tad but definitely a book that I would recommend to people who love thrillers who enjoy a slow burner because it ended up being really good and surprising. Overall, I liked this story and am glad I read it because it had me keeping the lights on and had me cringing at some points with the intensity!

40 Comments on “Book Review: The Liar’s Girl

  1. Just when my interest goes up I start to read your review and see “slow”….eek, probably not for me then which is a shame being set overseas and my love for virtual traveling and mysteries.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “Alison fled to The Netherlands” 😀😀Nice, as of course this is my home country as you well know. I usually only enjoy slow starts if eventually it picks up, and it was worth it in the end. Sounds like this one was though. Love the premise and I always like serial killer stories in the first place (Hmm….this actually makes me sound really creepy 😂😂). Another winning review from an inspiring woman. Loved it 😘😘❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Serial killer, an Irish location for a change, slow-burning start. All good in my book. And the cover is suitably restrained too! This doesn’t sound at all ‘cozy’. 🙂 x
    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Fab review Dani. I tend to stay away from slow-burners because I get bored/distracted easily. I like the premise and setting of this one though so might give it a try.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This sounds like a really good read – your write-up has definitely intrigued me! I’ve been looking for some new books to suggest at my next Book Club meeting, so definitely gonna suggest this x

    Liked by 1 person

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