The Blogger Recognition Award #2

I don’t know if this post will show up because WordPress has been glitchy but wanted to share this post that the awesome and lovely Taiwo @ Stuffed Shelves posted. I am not trying to be a show off or anything like that but it really has touched my heart that within days I have had 4 or 5 shoutouts to me in some way or fashion and have been complimented on my bloggy style(not sure what to call it🤣). Anyways, I cried tears of joy because when I feel like I have been failing at blogging and neglected the blogosphere, I have received tremendous support and the most heartfelt posts and shoutouts ever! I have to admit I was even considering giving up but I want to thank Taiwo for this great shoutout and give her one! Taiwo is a fantasic, supportive and compassionate lady whom when just meeting me she was concerned about my wellbeing and was just so sweet! I feel so blessed to have met such badass and compassionate friends in the blogosphere so thank you to everyone! I was doubting my ability as a book blogger and reviewer and you guys touched my heart and restored my faith in myself! You guys all freakin’ rock!🤗😍

A Lifestyle Nerd

img_20180212_2020241.png I mentioned in my January wrap-up that I’ve been nominated for some awards since November, 2017 and I apologise to Lee Ann from Cabbage Blossom Review for taking so long to do this. Thank you so much Lee Ann for the nomination! You guys should check her post to know more about her and also to get some advice from her. 

This award is for bloggers to nominate other bloggers in an effort to encourage writing and acknowledge the tremendous amount of work that goes into maintaining a blog. The award also seeks to create an environment for bloggers to review and reward one another’s work in a supportive environment

Here are the rules to follow!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Write a brief story about how your blog began.
  • Provide two pieces of advice to new bloggers

View original post 892 more words

19 Comments on “The Blogger Recognition Award #2

  1. Don’t doubt yourself when it comes to blogging, you are doing fantastic. I personally enjoy your reviews. XD

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You being a show off? You are kidding me right? 😘 I keep saying it Dani: keep having that confidence in yourself. You are a wonderful blogger, and nog only that, you are a wonderful human being. Everybody that knows thinks the world of you, and why not? You are awesome 😘😘❤️ Great post to share. And I could not agree more with all the words that were written about you! Keep doing what you are doing…and trust in that big heart of yours…because it is in the right place 😊😘❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Welcome to the Brotherhood! – Chizurue

  4. Don’t give up Dani! You’ve been doing wonders in the community. Of course, if it’s really hurting you health-wise or have been having issues trying to stay active, take a nice long break! Do what’s best for you, Dani!

    Liked by 2 people

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