Good Writing is like Good Sex by C.S. Johnson Tour Spotlight


Welcome to the blog tour for Good Writing is Like Good Sex: Sort of Sexy Thoughts on Writing. This cheeky and handy writing guide is by C.S. Johnson, and if you read through to the end, you can try to win a copy of your very own!

Good Writing

Good Writing is Like Good Sex: Sort of Sexy Thoughts on Writing

Publication Date: March 31st, 2019

Genre: Non-Fiction/ Writing Guide

What makes a book sexy?

I’m not talking about erotica, per say, but what is the difference between a book you eagerly devour and a book you slum your way through?

While there are individual exceptions, the most objective difference between a good story and a downright terrible one is simple—it all comes down to the writing.

It’s either good writing, and we can forgive the technical flaws a little more easily, or it’s bad writing, and bad writing is just bad.

Good writing is more than just good writing.

Good writing is sexy.

If you’re a fiction writer looking to improve your writing skills, this is the perfect, provocative read to encourage you to get down to business and write your story.

Inside Good Writing is Like Good Sex, you will find:

• A titillating perspective on the writing process

• The secret to why your story is special, and how you can make it sexier

• Tips on romancing your readers

• How to write irresistible characters

• Basic writing and story concepts with advanced insights

… and all in a non-gratuitous fashion with a lot of innuendos.



* * * *

Don’t Pick Your Nose While Making Out

It’s All About Style, Baby

Imagine you are out on a date with your dream date. The moment is just right, the night is brisk and wild, but still comforting, there’s music playing in your heart or running through your head, and in a moment of pure magic, you look at your date and you know.

You just know, and together as one, you both lean in for a kiss.

And then you see the huge, spit-covered cut of broccoli, tucked into their gums just between the two front teeth. It leers at you while the soundtrack to Psycho screeches out between your bodies.

Do you still want to kiss your date? Even if you do, are you going to be able to enjoy it when the last thing you see is a piece of food stuck between their teeth? What if you end up French kissing?

Like picking your nose while you’re making out, like sneezing as you go in for a hug, and just like falling off the bed at the wrong time, it is possible to make your reader confused, repulsed, or just ruin the mood. You stop what you’re doing, you stop what you’re feeling, and that’s it. Maybe you don’t stop all the way, you’re just sidetracked. Or you’re confused. And then maybe you’re hungry or tired or you realize you need a shower—or maybe you need to brush your teeth.

If you want your writing to be as sexy as possible, you will need to make sure that your story flows easily from one scene to the next, from one decision to another complication, to a desperate choice, to a mistake, and so on until the conclusion of the book. The books that are unable to be put down are the ones where you can read and read and there is nothing interrupting you, and everything that is keeping you absorbed in the flow of the story.

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C. S. Johnson is the award-winning, genre-hopping author of several novels, including young adult sci-fi and fantasy adventures such as the Starlight Chronicles, the Once Upon a Princess saga, and the Divine Space Pirates trilogy. With a gift for sarcasm and an apologetic heart, she currently lives in Atlanta with her family.

Find out more at

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16 Comments on “Good Writing is like Good Sex by C.S. Johnson Tour Spotlight

  1. Well I am not a writer: but I do agree about the things you said about what makes you devour a book, or not😊 Good writing is definitely going to do that! And one has to love a title like this lol😂😂
    As always a great post 😘❤️ So great to see you back at writing posts again: it makes me smile! 😊😊❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. THIS. Haven’t read this book, but I’m in the final draft phase of my first novel and this is hands-down the best advice my editor gave me! Good writing is like good sex: pleasing to both parties. 😂

    Liked by 1 person

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