Blog Tour: Watching Glass Shatter, by James J. Cudney ~ 5.0 Stars

Kim posted a fantastic review of fellow blogger Jay’s debut novel! Jay sent me a copy and this review makes me that much more excited to read this book!!!

By Hook Or By Book

Watching-Glass-Shatter-Promo-Hardback-EreaderThanks to James Cudney for including me in this blog tour and providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Publisher: Creativia

Release Date: Available Now

278 Pages

Synopsis: The wealthy Glass family lost its patriarch, Benjamin Glass, sooner than expected. Benjamin’s widow, Olivia, and her 5 sons each react to his death in their own way while preparing for the reading of his will. Olivia receives an unexpected confession from her late husband about one of their sons that could shatter the whole family.

Prior to revealing the secret to her children, Olivia must figure out which boy Ben refers to in the confession he left her in his will. While the family attorney searches for the mysterious Rowena Hector whom Ben says holds all the answers, Olivia asks her sons to each spend spend a week with her as she isn’t ready to let go of the…

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