Anyone else having problems with previous posts?

Hey lovelies! I was writing this quick post because I wanted to see if anyone else has been having similar concerns with their WP websites. So, I know I have been absent due to a really harsh year but have been trying to work on catching up on reviews but frustatingly I have experienced that I can’t find like half of my posts made from before and I wanted to link them to a current batch of reviews. One I have been striving to finish is by one of my favorite authors and feel awful and loved the book but wanted to link my review of the first novel. So anyone else deal with disappearance of posts? I know others have dealt with their comments being glitchy as well but the only thing I can think different is that is at the end of year I got a free upgrade to premium for a year but if anything that should make things better so I am at a lost.😥 Thanks so much for any input Loves. I appreciate you all and hope once I catch up on some reviews, I will have some more time for blog hopping. I guess I can’t take things in full swing at once like I hoped but my love is to you all!!! Xoxoxoxo! You guys rock!😍

8 Comments on “Anyone else having problems with previous posts?

  1. I DID have an issue, actually, because WordPress transferred to some weird “block” format for text in posts. At least one of my posts got erased because of this somehow. I hope you find all your text!

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  2. I haven’t had any posts lost, but comments are all over the place. I think it is the transition to the Gutenberg Block Editor, which I am still trying to avoid. 🙂 x
    Best wishes, Pete.

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