Protected, by Claire Zorn ~ 4.5 Stars

Such a fantastic review by my Book Sister Kim! I think this book will be quite enjoyable and relatable! Can’t wait to check this title out! Added to my TBR! Also Kim is such a supportive, amazing and friendly blogger! She blogs about books and current events. When I first started WordPress I was quite intimidated but Kim took me under her wing and has been a huge support system in my life since. I highly recommend following this awesome lady’s blog for great book reviews and news!!!😉💖📚🌎😁

By Hook Or By Book

34351042Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Release Date: Available Now

276 Pages

Synopsis: I have three months left to call Katie my older sister. Then the gap will close and I will pass her I will get older. But Katie will always be fifteen, eleven months and twenty-one days old.

Hannah’s world is in pieces and she doesn’t need the school counsellor to tell her she has deep-seated psychological issues. With a seriously depressed mum, an injured dad and a dead sister, who wouldn’t have problems?

Hannah should feel terrible but for the first time in ages, she feels a glimmer of hope and isn’t afraid anymore. Is it because the elusive Josh is taking an interest in her? Or does it run deeper than that?

In a family torn apart by grief and guilt, one girl’s struggle to come…

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