Book Review: The Case of the Deadly Doppelganger by Lucy Banks~5 Stars

I want to thank NetGalley and Amberjack for granting my wish to provide an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity.

Book Blurb:

Only a few months have passed since the day Kester Lanner forced an angry ghost through the spirit door, but business prospects for Dr. Ribero’s supernatural agency haven’t improved. Things are looking grim when the agency lands a contract which they must share with a rival agency headed by Dr Ribero’s sworn enemy, Larry Higgins. Desperate for the job, the team accepts and begins to investigate the seaside town of Lyme Regis, where elderly victims are dying.

The same mysterious clue links the horrendous deaths: the victims all see a double of themselves before dying. The teams wonder if they are dealing with a rogue doppelgänger, one that isn’t content just predicting deaths, but carrying them out as well. The victims’ connection to an ancient grave site leads to speculation that they may have disturbed a spirit more powerful than the two agencies can handle.

One thing is certain, the won’t stop unless Kester and the others can overcome their rivalry and stop this deadly spirit.

Review: I give this book 5 out of 5 supernatural stars! Even though this was the second in the series I was able to read it as a standalone. This book was filled with twists and turns. I didn’t want to put it down and at times it was hilarious! I loved the characters for the most part but what sold me on 5 stars besides the plot was how the author had a transgendered person in the story and discussed the importance of it being accepted. She covered the issue quite well that trans men and women face. Lucy Banks weaved supernatural elements, humor and sleuthing into a worthwhile series. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the first one to get a better feel for things but this was also great as a standalone. When I read this a couple weeks ago it had me up through the night and kept my mind off of trials in my life and topk me on a fun adventure! I definitely recommend this series for those who love something supernatural!😊👻😄

17 Comments on “Book Review: The Case of the Deadly Doppelganger by Lucy Banks~5 Stars

  1. I got this e-ARC last month, still didn’t read it *Guilty*
    This Review is convincing me to break the promise I made to myself (Fizah, don’t even think to read any book which is not on this month’s TBR list ) 😉😄
    Happy Reading Dani 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the cover of this book, it feels very ‘Victorian’. Sounds good too, especially it if kept you up reading!
    I forgot to mention that I did notice the change in your blog style. I like the new background colour.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Pete!💖 I changed a few things around and figuring out how to tweak things. I tried to do the snow thingy but I have to have a business plan and a sista is broke! Lol. Anywho I changed around random things like my about me and such but still trying to figure out the rest…🤔🤔🤔 Thanks so much!💖😊💖😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great review and thanks for sharing it!! I need more diverse books on my TBR and one with a transgender character should definitely be one! The plot is very unique too.

    Liked by 1 person

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