Got Mine by Nicole Loufas 

Got Mine
Nicole Loufas
Publication date: July 25th 2017
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

When his girlfriend joins the army; Theodore Sway is left to raise their daughter on his own. His shitty job barely covers the ever-rising cost of his San Francisco neighborhood. When Lulu is accepted at a hipster private school, Theo is forced to find a better job. He does what any good parent would – he becomes a stripper.

Theo sacrifices his ego, his morals, and his body hair so his daughter can have the kind of childhood he’s always dreamt about. With the encouragement of his not-so-helpful club brothers and Sylvie, his ex-stripper BFF, Sway struggles to maintain balance between his sexy stage persona and his role as the world’s okayest dad.

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Author Bio:

Nicole was born and raised in California. She claims to be a San Francisco native, however she’s lived in both Northern and Southern California. She credits her creativity to the fact that she attended 12 schools between kindergarten and her senior year in high school. Her nomadic childhood allowed her to reinvent herself often. Some might say she was a liar. While others see the stories she told as a coping mechanism. Twelve schools, in six cities, in twelve years – give her a break. Today she channels her storytelling ability into writing novels. Long story short – kids that lie become writers.

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11 Comments on “Got Mine by Nicole Loufas 

  1. Good to see the ‘conventional’ plot switched to the man raising the child, and the Mum in the army. I reckon this could be made into a successful film.
    Best wishes, Pete.

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    • I agree Pete! I love how they switched it up and I agree it would make a good film! Kim and I were just talking about you last nigh through email. Man, that sounded a little creepy!😂 We were discussing this book idea I had that I could do based on true events. My wheels started turning on an incident I had in my past and so I ran the idea by her and she thought it was great! So, my problem is writing so considering I might have to hire a writer to help, co author or just feedback because I know all the other stuff is a lot of work. I know you are an incredible writer and you don’t want to write a novel or anything like that but even a yay or nay would be helpful so it can give me the motivation to oush forward with it! I’m sorry, now I have began to ramble. Lmao.🤣 Lack of sleeo from the kiddos, steroids for my health and 3 cups of coffee I am rambling quite a bit.

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