Stoneman Douglas Highschool Shooting in Parkland, Florida

In Parkland, Florida there has been a massive school shooting at Stoneman Douglas Highschool. This is such a tragic event that is effecting so many. The highschool near Miami, Florida was under attack shortly before 3pm. Many thought that the sounds were fire crackers but unfortunately they couldn’t imagine the tragedy they were facing. The school was locked down and 14 so far have been brought in to the hospital for treatment. There has been numerous fatalities reported but no clear count of devastating casualities yet.

As a mother of 3, this breaks my heart and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this horrible act of violence. Situations like this are traumatising and makes any parent or loved one fear their child going through this and their safety in a school. I’m so sorry to everyone for this tragedy and may God be with everyone going through this devastating horror.

Thankfully, a suspect has been taking in custody and I hope the justice system makes sure that the proper justice is served.

47 Comments on “Stoneman Douglas Highschool Shooting in Parkland, Florida

  1. I was just about to head off to sleep but then I saw this post appear. This is such sad news. I’m really so sorry to hear about such a devestating and truly horrifying event. I can definitely understand how this effects you 😢 I’m glad they did get the suspect though. It doesn’t change the fact this is still truly horrid. Hang in there yourself Dani 😘 Sometimes the world is a really dark and senseless place😢 Be safe and all my prayers will be with you, as well as the victims of this senseless act of violence.

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  2. We are (Children) are living in a horrific time. If I had children, they would be home schooled to prevent them to fear going to school. The world is a scary place to live in, and unfortunately it’s becoming more, and more common with every passing month. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My heart goes out to all those affected by this terrible act, their families and friends. We can count ourselves lucky that nothing like this has happened in New Zealand so far, but unfortunately, I guess it will only be a matter of time.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Every time this sort of thing happens in America, I read many touching blog tributes to the victims of course, and completely understand why events like these are so upsetting. But unless the people of the US are prepared to give up their right to owning guns, it is never going to stop. And we all know they don’t want to do that.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

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    • Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, Pete! You know I always value your honest opinion! I believe there definitely should be some stricter laws along with other things like mental health care and such. Mental health care is the least funded in the U.S. It’s just ridiculous to fear your children going to school.

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  5. This is really sad and horrifying. I can’t imagine the kind of nightmare those innocent souls experienced. I hope US finds a way of dealing with the shootings.

    Praying for the affected.

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