Second Annual Book Blogger Award Voting!!

Polls are still going Twitter users! I am so thrilled that I made it to the second round Overall Best Blogger!😍 Kay posted this sweet and awesome post and had to share because she listed some great bloggers! Also wanted to share how amazing Kay is, she has been such a kind and supportive blogger since she first entered the blogosphere and I adore her. Thank you for nominating me, Kay and thanks for sharing this great list of bloggers!😍 Also you got my vote as well, lovely!😀 If you need more info about the blogger awards, check out this post for links and all! I love all of your faces.😙 Xoxo!

Hammock of Books

So normally I post a WWW Wednesday on Wednesdays, but to be honest, I have not read a single book in two weeks. (Unless, of course, you count prep books). I’m two exams down, and two to go, and then I should get back up to speed with blogging 🙂

In the meantime, you’ve probably noticed that Joce is holding the Second Annual Book Blogger Awards, and I’m so excited that I actually made it to the second round/twitter voting!!!!!! I was nominated for best teen blogger!!!!

Seriously. This is insane! I’ve only had a blog for a little over 3 months, and I’m already moving on to the second round of awards????

Thank You!!!!

Image result for kittenSHAMELESS SELF PROMO: Vote for me here and be my best friend for lifeeeee 🙂 aLSO enjoy this virtual cake as motivation ❤

Image result for chocolate cake

Extra shout out again to the five amazing wonderful awesome fabulous excellent…

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11 Comments on “Second Annual Book Blogger Award Voting!!

    • Awww!!!😀 You are so kind, Pete! It makes my day that you say I have heart and talent to be picked up on. I have been extremely hard on myself lately, to be honest. I was worried I might be seeming like a show off after I reblogged but I like showing off new bloggers as well. I think it’s great there’s so many kind and generous bloggers(like you) around! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.😀💖

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