Poetry Book Review: Every Love by Jann Doe

I would like to thank the author for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Love can be wholesome,
Healthy and pure.
It can also be deadly,
Of this I am sure.
I’ve experienced many,
I’ve opened my door.
Of all the love that I’ve held
There’s one thing I know,
Ain’t no one has loved
Quite like me… Jann Doe.

EVERY LOVE is a collection of poetry covering my own experiences in love. From abuse, to affair, to healthy commitment, I’ve shared many love lifes… even suicide has played a part. The name ‘Jann Doe’ is to protect myself and my family from my own mistakes and history, given the parts of me that love has touched.

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It’s been awhile since I have read any poetry and was happy to have a change a pace. What I didn’t realize was how much I would relate with the poet’s words and could feel experiences through the depth of the pages. Every Love is not only a great book of how love effected them, from romance to heartbreak to suicidal thoughts and abuse, it’s all together the depths of a survivor’s heart.❤ This book was deep and beautiful and I highly recommend it to anyone who reads poetry.

Jann Doe is a poet who recognizes and accepts her authenticity as a woman, and encourages other women to do the same. Everyone has their burdens to cary, their flaws to accept, and their strengths to pride themselves on. Jann’s goal as a poet is to speak out on behalf of other women across the globe to love themselves for who they truly are. No one is perfect, nor should we be. It’s imperative that we as women accept ourselves, and live for tomorrow… not by ignoring our past but by learning from it, and growing because of it.

7 Comments on “Poetry Book Review: Every Love by Jann Doe

  1. Poetry can be very personal, so it’s a good thing when a poet can connect with others who understand. Thanks for the review, Dani. I won’t put that name in my book, as I appreciate why she used it. 🙂 x
    Best wishes always, Pete. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Every Love is a collection of poems written by a strong, brave woman who has survived and tells her story through the verses within this book. All I can say is, wow.

    I haven’t read a poetry book in years and I’ve never reviewed one either but I was invited on this blog tour and couldn’t say no. I’m so glad I had the chance to read these poems.

    Thanks for the review, Dani
