Review: Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter


Three sisters, all beautiful in their own way are torn apart from each other. Claire and Lydia’s sister Julia vanished without a trace 20 years ago. Julia’s disappearance has tore her family into pieces. From the death of their father to the fallout between the two remaining sisters, Claire and Lydia. 20 years later Claire’s husband(Paul) dies a tragic death. Things start to unravel and somehow their sister’s disappearance is connected.
The good thing about Paul’s death is that Claire and Lydia reunite and make a truce to stick together to find out what the hell is going on and what happened to their sister 20 years ago. These two pretty girls but total opposites will go on adventures and experience a dark and sick life that has been undercover for years. Will they be able to finally make peace with each other and will they finally after 20 years find out what happened to their sister?

This book was amazing I definitely give this book 5 out of 5 stars! This book showed the love and bond between two estranged sisters and broke your heart but then mending it back together. Pretty Girls also made you want to flip pages and stay up late at night drinking coffee wishing you could find out what the hell is going to happen next. This book is full of twist and turns! This is one of my favorite thrillers and would recommend this book to anyone who loves suspense! This book had me at the edge of my seat and craving more. This book can be very intense and it is true what they say about Karin Slaughter she writes with a razor!

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