Book Review: Everything You Wanted to Know About Watergate

I want to thank NetGalley and Riverdale Avenue Books for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity.

Book Blurb:

The story of Watergate is usually told through the prism of the straight, white male journalists and politicians who were at the center of the scandal—but Watergate happened to all of us – wives, mothers, children, black, white, queer, immigrants. Those voices and perceptions are rarely heard today.

EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT WATERGATE was envisioned as a book that looks at the wider ripples of the Watergate explosion and how it changed the way Americans saw themselves, their country and the world around them.

This is both a serious, and irreverent book, put together by a team of two newspaper journalists and ten college interns from throughout the country. Think of it as a primer on Watergate for the generation that grew up watching The Daily Show.

Review: I give this book 4 out of 5 Political Stars! I decided to pick up this title because I wanted to know more about what happened with the Watergate scandal. I am glad I made this choice, not only because this book was very informative but because I was able to hear stories and see perspectives from people who lived through it and were impacted by this scandal. I loved hear everyone’s stories and how it effected our lives and how this changed America. I thought this was a great quick but effective read because a lot of the things that were discussed seems to be repeating themselves in our current political state. Even though I may not have agreed with everyone’s perspective I enjoyed seeing everyone’s and learning more about this treacherous scandal. This period of time woke up a lot of Americans and showed them that we can’t always trust our political leaders.

25 Comments on “Book Review: Everything You Wanted to Know About Watergate

    • That’s my kind of thing too Pete! I love a good conspiracy theory and like you said especially when it’s proved true! I love history and political reads, well I love all books, but reading this definitely is going to get me back into reading this genre! Thanks for you amazing support!😊

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    • You’re welcome Fraggle! It was very interesting to see some point of views of people who had to live through the scandal. I am definitely going to be picking up more history related books! I use to love history and political reads and I think this one broke the hiatus. Thanks for all your support on my blog Fraggle! You are one incredible lady!😊

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