Two Sweet Holiday Novella Reviews

I want to thank NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity.

Lady, It’s Cold Outside by Deb Marlowe

Miss Glenna Bolton is not having a Happy Christmas. She’s lost her grandfather and the bookshop they ran together. If not for the invitation from the Duke of Danby, she would have no place to go.

No Christmas festivities for Baron Ellesworth this year. His newly inherited estate is in bad shape—and so is his bank account. He’ll spend the holiday traveling to do a bit of business with Lord Danby, in hopes of bringing Christmas to Elleshaven next year.

Traveling during the holiday season doesn’t sound romantic, but a star in the East, an abandoned child and a quest for holiday cheer might just convince these two that love is the best gift of the Season.

I give this book 5 out of 5 Historical Holiday Stars! I just loved this sweet novella and read it in one sitting. I have been feeling down this year for the holidays because of trials in my life right now but this sweet and historical holiday romance gave me all the happy feels I was craving.

I loved Glenna and how strong she was after losing her bookstore and her grandfather. She had such a caring heart that shined through all especially when she met the child, Dowd. She fills him with hope and helps him along the way but the child’s heart isn’t the only one that she has touched. I loved how Ellsworth fell in love with Glenna and the book has just a tiny hint of mystery to it to add to the charm. This would make a cute Hallmark movie!

Miracle at Christmas by Debbie Mason

Celebrate the holidays with USA Today bestselling author Debbie Mason’s heartwarming novella about a town called Christmas.

Charlotte Bailey needs a miracle. She came to this sleepy little Colorado town to keep the local hospital afloat, but now her scrooge of a boss is demanding she close it down. Charlotte is going to need all the help she can get, even from Dr. McSexy–er, Dr. Matt Trainer–if she’s to save Christmas before, well, Christmas!

All Matt wants for Christmas is for Charlotte to give it–and him–half a chance. But with the town looking to him to save the hospital and Charlotte itching to get back to New York in time to see the city decked out in lights, Matt doesn’t have much time to make things right. But he’s got faith–after all, miracles happen every day in Christmas.

30,000 words

I give this book 5 out of 5 Holiday Cheer Stars! This was such a cute holiday novella that left me smiling!

I loved the characters and how this book had that sweet small town feel. The book was well written and the plot went along so sweet and smooth. This is the perfect holiday read that you can read in one sitting and are sure to get happy feels and small town charm!

Reading these two sweet novellas put me in a much lighter mood and finally got me to bring out the Christmas tree! I know, I know… Slacker! Lol. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t add a little humor to this review via GIFs…

34 Comments on “Two Sweet Holiday Novella Reviews

  1. Wohoo, seems like Dani is in her best reading pace with these great reviews! And you’re a true bookworm when it’s the sweet holiday novellas that gets you in a festive mood 😀 I think Miracle at Christmas would be on my TBR ❤

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  2. Hahahah love that these novellas got you to bring out the tree! I think it’s the perfect time to bring it out honestly! 😉 Tooooo many people have brought it out as early as December 1st!!!! We had just finished Halloweeeeeeeen!!! Great reviews, Dani. May the Holiday Spirit be with you. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aww, I’m so glad to hear that these novellas are putting you in a lighter mood again. You deserve it. And I would be lying if I said that this really did not make me smile now. Abd as always the review and the gifs were so much fun. Hopefully your Christmas this year will bring you happyness and joy: because you are so amazing 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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