Book Review: Sweet Revenge: Passive Aggressive Desserts for Your Exes and Enemies by Heather Kim

*Photo from my #Bookstagram

I want to thank NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity.

Title: Sweet Revenge: Passive Aggressive Desserts for Your Exes and Enemies

Author: Heather Kim

50+ killer cakes, cookies, and candies for your exes and enemies. Dumped by your beefcake boyfriend? BFF steal your one-and-only? Lab partner a more-than-periodic no-show? Don’t take these battles online. (Seriously, don’t do that, okay?). Get out your heaviest rolling pins, sharpest cleavers, and most blistering torches, and kill your enemies and exes . . . with kindness. That’s right – bake that loser ex a pan of Go Fudge Yourself. Gift your former friend a You’re the Devil Cake. And give that annoying admirer a Donut Call Me Again. Let them taste your over-them happiness and see what comes next . . . Pastry chef and tattoo artist Heather Kim serves up sinfully delicious recipes and bittersweet advice.

I give this awesome cookbook 5 out of 5 Fantastic Stars! This book was effin’ hilarious. I loved how this wasn’t your average self help book. Nope, this was passive aggressive awesomeness! I mean this author was hilarious!

Her metaphors and how in the first chapter she mentions Jedi mind tricks was just hands down the best cookbook one can own.

Unfortunatley I got this title via NetGalley which I am thankful as hell but I can’t wait until it comes out on New Year’s day so I can buy it or convince someone to buy it for me. Mwhahaha. Anywho, the photography gives you instant muchies and is simply amazing.

This book constantly made me smile. I loved how the author even put together these awesome charts and tables detailing this descriptivaly hilarious. There is even lists of tools needed, conversions, and charts that are perfect for the beginner passive aggressive baker like me! If you are looking for a good dose of shits and giggles and want some easy and delicious recipes, you must read this book! Highly recommended and Dani-approved!

41 Comments on “Book Review: Sweet Revenge: Passive Aggressive Desserts for Your Exes and Enemies by Heather Kim

  1. LMAO…
    This book sounds like so much fun. I’m not much of a cook myself (If I would have a go at cooking I might just as easily burn my whole house down lol 😂😂) but this one though: Even I might have a go at that one. Your review is so seriously enthusiastic and fun that you just can’t help it but smile. Awesome review: just as awesome as this girl I know that goes by the name of Dani 😚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Now was I wrong in saying this has to be the most entertaining “cookbook” out there? LOL She had a great idea in making it also fun to just flip through and read while looking up some yummy goodness to make. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I read this book too! I agree it was so fantastic! I enjoyed it even though I don’t bake! The random puns are hilarious and everything looks so yummy! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Bwahahaha kill them with kindness what a fantastic idea! This seems indeed like a very satisfying read Dani. That’s my kind of revenge even if I don’t really hold grudges as I’m fairly forgiving. But I would love exacting this kind of “justice”. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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