Bennett by Sybil Bartel 

Sybil Bartel
(Uncompromising #4)
Publication date: December 19th 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Being the drummer for the hottest new rock band should’ve been a dream come true. Sold out shows, women, more money than I deserved…

But I didn’t want any of it.

The fame sucked, the money was a burden and I’d given away my only chance at ever having her—my best friend’s sister.

I wasn’t supposed to touch her. My best friend made me swear I wouldn’t. Then he was deployed, and he told me to look out for her. Except being around her while still keeping my distance was slowly killing me. Touring with the band should’ve been the perfect escape… Until I fucked up.

I fucked up so bad, she was half-conscious in my arms, fighting for her life.

* BENNETT is the fourth standalone book in the Uncompromising Series.

The Uncompromising Series:





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I backed her against the wall and took her face in my hands. “I’m not leaving you alone.”

Her breath hitched, and her hands wrapped around my wrists, but she didn’t say anything.

I gripped her harder. “You’re not alone, you hear me? You will never be alone. I’m always going to be here for you. Always.”

Her grief, her tears, the tension in her muscles—it all stilled.

Then she stood on tiptoe and her lips landed on mine.

First shock, then eight years of blind fucking need surged, and I let loose. Growling with repressed desire and want, so much fucking want, I roared as I slammed my body against hers and shoved my tongue into her mouth.

Sweet fucking Jesus.

My hands tangling in her hair, my tongue dominating, I didn’t kiss her. I fucking took.

I took her kiss.

I took her grief.

And I took her fucking trust.

For one unbelievable moment, I had everything I’d ever wanted.


My cock surged, my hips ground into hers, and I kissed her how I’d always wanted to. Then reality hit and I destroyed everything.

I ripped my undeserving mouth from hers and stepped back. Shattering her illusion of who I was, I rubbed the back of my hand over my mouth and prayed like fuck I didn’t break her worse. “I’m sorry.”

Author Bio:

Sybil Bartel grew up in Northern California with her head in a book and her feet in the sand. She dreamt of becoming a painter but the heady scent of libraries with their shelves full of books drew her into the world of storytelling. She loves the New Adult genre, but any story about a love so desperately wrong and impossibly beautiful makes her swoon.

Sybil now resides in Southern Florida and while she doesn’t get to read as much as she likes, she still buries her toes in the sand. If she isn’t writing or fighting to contain the banana plantation in her backyard, you can find her spending time with her handsomely tattooed husband, her brilliantly practical son and a mischievous miniature boxer…

But Seriously?

Here are ten things you probably really want to know about Sybil.

She grew up a faculty brat. She can swear like a sailor. She loves men in uniform. She hates being told what to do. She can do your taxes (but don’t ask). The Bird Market in Hong Kong freaks her out. Her favorite word is desperate…or dirty, or both—she can’t decide. She has a thing for muscle cars. But never reply on her for driving directions, ever. And she has a new book boyfriend every week—don’t tell her husband.

To find out more about Sybil Bartel, be sure to follow her on Twitter (she loves to hear about your favorite book boyfriend!), visit her website, like her on Facebook or join her Facebook group Book Boyfriend Heroes for exclusive excerpts and giveaways.

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