Two Romantic Comedies That Were Cute~Mini Book Reviews


Title: One Way Ticket

Author: Kate O’ Keeffe & Melissa Baldwin


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20180102_151341.gifWould you switch lives with someone you just met? Sabrina Monroe is poised and ready for her future as Mrs. Todd Edward Blakely. Everything seems perfect, but on the big day, suddenly she’s not so sure. Her nicely mapped out life ahead of her, she finds herself in her own movie scene as the runaway bride, climbing out of the bathroom window. All she can think is escape. Addison Bloom needs a life makeover. She’s travelled the world to find love–and failed. On her way back from yet another friend’s wedding, she starts to feel ill at the mere thought of seeing another veil that’s not hers. Should she go back home and marry her former sweetheart, or stick it out looking for love in her new home? Sabrina and Addison are both on the run, wanting to escape to a new life. As the two strangers talk at an airport, discovering they have the same job at opposite ends of the country, a crazy idea unfolds–one which might provide the answers they’ve both been looking for. Is there such a thing as a One Way Ticket to a new life, or will they find they’re running from themselves, not just the past?



Review: This book was fun and was a great adventure away from all the thrillers I have read lately. It was humorous. I loved how it was kind of like an adult take on Freaky Friday. I enjoyed the message behind the book and think a lot of people would find this heart warming as well as fun. The characters were well rounded and I enjoyed their personalities. I definitely would recommend this fun romantic comedy to anyone looking for something light, quick and fun!



Title: More to Love

Author: Alison Bliss

Rating: 20180102_0711551562998126.png


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This laugh-out-loud romantic comedy proves that, when enemies become lovers, all bets are off!

Jessa Gibson may be new in the little town of Granite, Texas, but in no time at all her gourmet food truck business is booming. Soon she’ll have enough money to open the restaurant of her dreams. But first, she’ll have to appease the hot local health inspector, no matter how strange his “violations” sound to her. No pink plastic gloves? Really? 

Max Hager isn’t exactly who he says he is. Pretending to be a health inspector is a (mostly) innocent mistake. A mistake made way worse by Max’s immediate, electrifying attraction to the curvy, sexy, redheaded chef. Throw in a whole lot of lust, and things in Jessa’s little kitchen are about to really start heating up. But can Max find a way to come clean with Jessa before his little deception turns into a recipe for disaster?

I really enjoyed this cute romance!😍 There was a lot of parts that made me giggle and this was another quick and sweet read. The only reason that I didn’t give this one 5 stars is because Max really annoyed me in the beginning but he grew on me. I really liked this stoy because of having a curvy woman as the main character as well, being a plus size lady myself, it made me smile a bit and was relatable at times.

 I want to thank the publishers and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity and all views expressed are my own.

23 Comments on “Two Romantic Comedies That Were Cute~Mini Book Reviews

  1. I can understand to at times switch things up a bit, after reading several thrillers. Sometimes it’s just nice to have a bit of good fun, and heartwarming tales. The first line really sounds like a real warm book. And I’m glad to read that you found the second one relatable and it also made you smile. You are on a roll again today lady, my reader is full with your posts! Loving it 😘😘 Keep them coming 😊😊❤️❤️


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