Book Review: A Cold Day In Hell

I want to thank NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.I appreciate this opportunity and all views expressed are my own.

Lauren’s job as a cold case homicide detective is her life. And life just got complicated.

Lauren Riley is an accomplished detective who has always been on the opposite side of the courtroom from slick defense attorney Frank Violanti. But now he’s begging to hire her as a private investigator to help clear his client of murder. At first Lauren refuses, wanting nothing to do with the media circus surrounding the case—until she meets the eighteen-year-old suspect.

To keep an innocent teen from life in prison, Lauren must unravel the conflicting evidence and changing stories to get at the buried facts. But the more she digs, the more she discovers that nothing is what it first appears to be. As Lauren puts her career and life in danger, doubt lurks on every corner . . . and so does her stalker.

This was quite the suspenseful ride that I was searching for! I give this crime thriller 5 out of 5 Stars!  I was initially intrigued by this book because I have always been a fan of cold cases. I loved reading the main mystery of the recent murder and also enjoyed the side plot of the cold case file. Lauren Riley was a likable character because she was flawed and realistic. She chose broken men, she tried to fix people and loved the wrong person. Even through these flaws she was a strong and intelligent woman and a good cop. I am definitely am looking forward to book 2 of this series! Reading this fast paced thriller was quite the treat! 

Not only did you get to enjoy seeing the crime thriller side this had some legal aspects as well with the trial and such. Some of the stuff that went on had me in utter shock. I do have to give this story a mild trigger warning for those who might’ve been in an abusive relationship. Overall this was a grade A suspense that I won’t soon forget!😍

Love you guys and have a fantastic day!😍

30 Comments on “Book Review: A Cold Day In Hell

  1. It will be a cold day in hell before I get an E-reader…what’s that? Oh we weren’t talking about that were we 😂😂 My bad lol.
    I love cold cases as I told you, so this novel is heading straight over on to my to read list. Once again this was truly wonderful review. I loved it from start to finish..and it gets a Michel approved rating from me. Great post ….by a great and beautiful host 😘😘❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Couldn’t help but think if it’s a cold day it must be Hell, Michigan, certainly not Hell, Grand Cayman and would you believe I’ve been to MI and GC? LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sort of guilty of loving those crime thrillers where there’s a cold case in the background, but I will start hating it if it just drags on forever and starts to feel uneventful and boring though! Great review, Dani. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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