*All That You Can Read Book Review Buffet~ Part 1*


Hello lovelies! I am sharing this multiple part buffet of book reviews(instead of all you can read, we’ve got all you can read) with you guys because I am so behind on here because of the whole life thing happening. I much rather have a few review posts rather than load up your Reader with nothing but my reviews! My follower count will go from 1,300 to down a few hundred real quick! I know I am awesome and majestic as can be but you guys might burn out really quick on me! Having that many reviews from me back to back will give you instant Dani-overdose which may cause you to run and hide! Mwhahaha! Anyway, enough of my rambling ass self, let’s get to the book reviews! *sings* Lord I was born a rambling man, trying to make a living and do the best that I can…

I would like to thank the publishers and NetGalley

for providing me with an E-ARC in exchange

for an honest review.















Some secrets are best kept hidden…

Anastasia Phoenix has always been the odd girl out, whether moving from city to international city with her scientist parents or being the black belt who speaks four languages.

And most definitely as the orphan whose sister is missing, presumed dead.
She’s the only one who believes Keira is still alive, and when new evidence surfaces, Anastasia sets out to follow the trail—and lands in the middle of a massive conspiracy. Now she isn’t sure who she can trust. At her side is Marcus, the bad boy with a sexy accent who’s as secretive as she is. He may have followed her to Rome to help, but something about him seems too good to be true.

Nothing is as it appears, and when everything she’s ever known is revealed to be a lie, Anastasia has to believe in one impossibility.

She will find her sister.



Book Review

Wow, what a (kicking a** and taking no names)fantastic debut!!!! Unfortunately, I was battling power outages the last few weeks and had a loved one in the hospital but not to worry this series made it so much better! This story completely captivated me and brought me to an adventurous place were I felt wild and free! Just, Wow!
Anastasia is completely a relatable character that you have no choice but to fall in love with her. I wish I could have shared my thoughts of this fantastic book sooner. I was completely blown away and just wanted to share my thoughts with the world. As you can imagine, the plot was AMAZING and fast paced that grabbed ahold of the reader. Reading through the store there was so much action, that I felt I was part of Charlie’s Angels kicking ass/teenage ninja style! Lately I have had some really good luck with YA/Teen book and I realized they were mostly one publisher, I LOVE the books published by Entangled Teen! As I scrolled through my kindle I felt the intensity because this book had a great storyline, amazing characters that you could relate to, and enough action to blow you away! Without any doubt, I highly recommend this novel to anyone looking for a great story, mystery and suspense that you won’t soon forget! As soon as I finished this novel I needed more and of course, I highly enjoyed the second novel as well! This is a series that I relate to and will fangirl about!!!😍🤗😘💚💙💛💝
Thanks so much to Entangled Teen and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity and all views and opinions expressed are my own.






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The Italian Job meets Bourne Identity meets Spy Kids in this sequel to Proof of Lies.

What if saving yourself meant destroying everyone you love?

Still reeling from everything she learned while searching for her sister in Italy, Anastasia Phoenix is ready to call it quits with spies. Then she and her friends learn that Marcus’s—her kind of boyfriend—brother, Antonio, has also gone missing. Luckily, they track down Antonio in a fiery festival in England, only to learn he has been working for the enemy, Department D, the whole time. But Antonio wants out. And so does Anastasia.

But before any of them can leave espionage and their parents’ crimes behind them, a close friend turns up dead. No one is safe, not while Department D still exists. So Anastasia and her friends embark on a dangerous plan to bring down an entire criminal empire, using every Dresden Kid they can find.

As their world becomes surrounded by spies, and the children of spies, Anastasia starts to question who she can really trust. Including her best friends…

Book Review

This is one of my new favorite series, that’s for sure! I was totally captivated by the first book with the action, suspense, mystery and the dynamics of the fascinating characters! When reading this story, I felt more of a connection to the characters. Which was amazing that I could become so invested in these awesome characters. I loved the story and was totally engulfed in the story and ready for more! The only concern I had with the story was that it was a little slow in some areas but that’s a common problem in sequels. It still was a great read and had me completely captivated. I recommend this novel to anyone who has read the first book of the series to check this one out because you see the characters grow in their own ways and you become more connected with them and the story. Lies that Bind starts right where Proof of Lies left off. It could be read as a standalone because it mentions enough of the first book but I recommend reading the first one first to get the full effect! With a great storyline, this was a highly enjoyable read and I have the head librarian at my book club checking it out! I can’t wait to see what Ms. Wallach comes out with next!!!










Allie’s second husband is killed tragically when his 18-wheeler crashes into the rocks near their home in Cape San Blas–the tanker was full of fuel and the explosion could be seen on overhead satellites. She’d already lost the beloved waterfront restaurant her parents started and now losing her husband, no matter how unfulfilling their marriage was, might just push her over the edge.

Joseph’s time in Vietnam left him with scars that never seemed to heal. No matter how he’s tried to love or what he’s tried to do since then, he can’t pull himself out of the wreckage of his former life. His trust and security shaken, he isolates himself in a cabin. But every morning, he faithfully pours two cups of coffee, drinking his while he sits with the second, and then pouring out the full cup.

It’s no small coincidence that Joseph found a mother and her two young children lost in the woods near his cabin. Or that when he helps them return to family in Florida, he’s near enough to see that explosion. Near enough to know it’s close to home. Near enough to know that his childhood sweetheart needs him.

The years have built so much distance between them, but it’s the secrets that may be their final undoing. Send Down the Rain reminds us of the beauty of truth . . . and the power of love to wash away the past.

Book Review

While finishing this story, I had tears in my eyes. This story was filled with passion, romance and hope for second chances. The characterization was top of the line and it had such unique characteristics that forces you to keep scrolling/turning pages to have more. Mystery, romance, passion, drama and intensity brought together brings you Send Down the Rain by Charles Martin.
I want to thank NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity and all views expressed are my own.











This chilling new mystery in the USA Today bestselling series by Charles Finch takes readers back to Charles Lenox’s very first case and the ruthless serial killer who would set him on the course to become one of London’s most brilliant detectives.

London, 1850: A young Charles Lenox struggles to make a name for himself as a detective…without a single case. Scotland Yard refuses to take him seriously and his friends deride him for attempting a profession at all. But when an anonymous writer sends a letter to the paper claiming to have committed the perfect crime–and promising to kill again–Lenox is convinced that this is his chance to prove himself.

The writer’s first victim is a young woman whose body is found in a naval trunk, caught up in the rushes of a small islets in the middle of the Thames. With few clues to go on, Lenox endeavors to solve the crime before another innocent life is lost. When the killer’s sights are turned toward those whom Lenox holds most dear, the stakes are raised and Lenox is trapped in a desperate game of cat and mouse.

In the tradition of Sherlock Holmes, this newest mystery in the Charles Lenox series pits the young detective against a maniacal murderer who would give Professor Moriarty a run for his money.

Book Review

I’m a newbie to this series but reading the prequel was highly enjoyable! If you are looking for a great murder mystery with a Sherlock Holmes kind of feel I think you would find this series highly entertaining! These books are definitely going on my TBR so I can embark myself into this delightful adventure.
I want to thank St. Martins Press and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity and all views expressed are my own.

Thanks so much for checking out my reviews Love! So much more to come! I know, I know it might seem like I am being a slacker but it’s been one of those times where you look for blessings and all you can find is that you can wait another 10 years before your bosoms really point to the floor! Honestly, I don’t even have that blessing. Had kids than bam! Gravity!!! Anyways it’s been bad but I still have my free spirit so I have to keep pushing!

On a real note, I am making it one of my main goals and ways to keep me sane to catch up on all my reviews and go the distance! *sings* he’s going the distance, he’s going for speed….

You guys are the best and I have missed all of your faces!!!! Love ya in the mouth!



you rock.gif

24 Comments on “*All That You Can Read Book Review Buffet~ Part 1*

  1. A nice buffet of reviews, Dani. I like the sound of ‘The Woman In The Water’.
    But there were no funky names for my book! What’s with these authors, are they starting to use ‘ordinary’ names? (Well Anastasia Phoenix almost went in the book, but Phoenix is a surname I have seen before of course.) 🙂 x
    Best wishes, Pete. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a delightful buffet of books, dear Dani!! And wonderful reviews! ❤ I am sorry that life has been hitting you hard, sweet friend! I am sending all the happy, lovely, life-take-a-break-attacking-now-please vibes to you!! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. And now I have Cake stuck in my head lol. I’m not complaining though! Hadn’t heard it in a while. The Woman in the Water sounds good, I’ll have to check it out. Great post!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This was the best buffet I’ve ever set my eyes on 😀 Gotta pick up Proof of Lies….. Great post 😀
    Happy Reading.

    Liked by 1 person

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