Random Rambles & Feedback Appreciated

Random Rambles


Hello there, Lovelies! Earlier I posted a post and decided it was too much gloom and doom and it might mess up my swagger. So I decided to take that shit down.

I mean life happens, we all live and have to push through some rough ass times. Well I tell life to fuck off put things to a hault for a while so I can get my shit priorities together. I mean I am a fucking mama jamma badass! I mean shit sometimes you have to look at the storm arising around you and dance to the beat of your own drum. Lately, I have dealt with health issues, financial issues, thiefs and a sick loved one and child but I can’t look at that side of things. Fuck no! I have been blessed with a month to eat and had my meds for a month, I have been shown kindness that I never thought possible and even came close to a suicide attempt and pushed myself through. All in all, there is a badass in me and a boss lady who needs to erupt! I am so glad that I am back in the blogosphere kicking ass and taking names! You giys are the bee’s knees and can’t wait to read all of your blogs. Woot!

So I am sorry about my recent abscense. WordPress called me a spammer due to having “blog tour” in my title. 😒 I mean take away my bloggy blog for 2 or 3 days because of a title of a page. Dumb.🤨

So after fighting with them jackasses , I will be more cautious of my titles so I won’t be labled as a spammer along with those people in my spam comments that have been promising me a cure for erectile dysfunction.😨 I mean that would truly be a downer!🤣😂

Not to diss anyone who needs a little a pick me up. This is a natural thing and sometimes the heads don’t work as one. It’s like the there is a disturbance in the force. I mean we all have force disturbances whether it be E.D. or constipation. Tomato, To-MAT-toe. I don’t know how we got to erectile dysfunction and constipation from WordPress but sometimes you have to go with the flow. With constipation, any type of flow would be beneficial.

So this whole ramble was meant to say sorry for the Debbie Downer episode (everytime I hear the word downer I think of E.D., 🤣) and wanted to explain my abscense. I would also like to ask you folks, do you you like my new theme? Most importantly, it’s not about looks, is it easy to access? 😉I got my theme courtesy of the not so happy “Happiness Engineers” and their assholeness unkind comments. I also got some new graphics from an awesome online friend as an early 30th 21st birthday gift that is doomed to happen next month. What do you think of the graphics? Try and erase the part of Dani aging out of your minds! I even have some white hairs to show me how young I am! Woohoo! Anywho, I completely jumped around all over the place which reminds me of Pete’s Significant Songs Post featuring House of Pain- Jump Around so I am going with it and will be dancing around to this song shaking what my mama gave me early this Thursday Morning. I hope you guys have an awesome day! You fuckin’ rock!!!🤩😜🧚‍♂️



53 Comments on “Random Rambles & Feedback Appreciated

  1. I got the other post by email, so was able to read it, although the link to your site didn’t work of course. Sorry to hear about all that stuff, and well done to you for being able to rise above it.
    New style for the blog, and a feisty, funky, Dani. What more could we ask for? (Well, maybe a cuddle…) :)x
    Take care, honey.
    Best wishes, Pete. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ohhhh man!!! Everyone who has an email notification set up for me can see that mumble jumble? Ugh. Fun Dani is better and I wanted to squash that post but it made its way through a loophole!😱 On the flipside, I’m giving you lots of e-cuddles because you’re the bestest!🤗😘🤗😘🤗

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  2. I don’t think you have to apologise at all Dani. This (to me so far anyway) is such a community of open, warm, and kind souls that I dont think anyone would have done anything other than support you! Glad you’ve found a way to pick yourself up a bit and take on the world again😊

    Liked by 2 people

  3. No apologies Sweetie! I’m so sorry you’re still dealing with all this stuff. I keep praying your guardian angel will swoop down and fix things.

    As far as WP goes, I don’t understand why they keep giving you such a hard time about blog tours. I don’t participate in them as much as some bloggers, but I have done them, including the one sponsored by Read & Reels for Father Figure. I’ve never been contacted or flagged by “the Happiness Engineers.” I just don’t get this.😒

    I’m glad your persevering though and I LOVE your blog’s new look! 🤗

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  4. So…this is going to be my last comment before I am shutting down WordPress for the coming weekend, but I just had to write a response before heading off to the con. Like Pete, I also read your other post….and you know what? Don’t feel sorry about it, don’t feel doom and gloom about it, and don’t feel like you are bringing us down with it. Because you are not!. You are, without even having to think for a single second about it, the strongest person I have ever met in my entire life. For you to be able to still be able to care about other people, bringing joy to them, and in all honesty keep your blog up and running is something you should be so very proud of. And I just know what you are going to say now: There are people that also have their own troubles, some of them worse then mine. Well, I don’t know about that. What I do know is that all the crap that you have gone through is something that should not have happened to you. Because you really don’t deserve it for a single second. Writing about it helps. It’s okay to vent and sometimes rant about it. Everyone that follows you on this blog, knows how great a person you are. And that’s why I really mean this: feel free to write about it, and don’t apologise for it. People will understand.
    The new theme and look for your blog is amazing…it’s so you, and fits perfectly. Lastly, on a personal note: I am just more than happy that I have met you. You are a shining soul that makes the world brighter. And never ever forget that. And if you do, I will be sure to keep reminding you of it. Stay strong, and take care: but I know you will:because you are Dani, the wonder woman. Talk to you when I get back sweety 😘❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Girl it happens. Shit happens. And sometimes all you can do is just hold on and let the storm pass. I’ve had a rough go at the whole life thing lately and can totally relate.
    I do wish those Happiness Engineers would leave you alone though. They seem to give you a lot of flack.
    Well glad to see you posting again. 😀

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  6. I’m so sorry things have been tough recently. It never lets up sometimes does it? Write about it, talk about it whatever you need to. I wish I could be of more help. Stay strong 🙂
    I love the look of the blog by the way!

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  7. Glad to have you back Dani 💖💖
    Sending all my thoughts to you but I know you’re a survivor and will pull through the sit days 😉 takes one to know one 😘

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  8. Gosh you really can’t make this stuff up. LOL Getting tossed into spam has absolutely nothing to do with doing book tours or I wouldn’t have tons of nice bloggers out there that are not book bloggers end up in spam too. Really they should just reply with we don’t know or we might have fixed it so people would stop complaining. 🙂

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    • I really don’t understand, Carrie!😨 I will have to post a screenshot. Every time I post something that says blog tour in it, it says something went wrong and won’t let me post the post. Omg, it’s annoying! It did it one day I had a tour with Penguin. I was so upset! I tried to go around it by doing # and thought it was a glitch but sure enough that caught up with me and the darn people told me they have it out on my account! Like WTH?! I told them I know all of my book blogger friends have done blog tours, this is crazy! They had no response to that!😞

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      • Well, yes some are going to have problems because it’s an ongoing issue for everyone on here. I know a lady who only posts stories about her life and pictures of her family and she’s gone to spam and had posting issues so what’s the excuse there? Not even a book blog. And that’s just one example so like I said it all sounds like made up excuses to me. LOL

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  9. Hugs and love to you Dani. This is your blog and if you need to vent and want to talk about what;s going on… you go ahead. No apologies required. Keep shining my friend. I hope things turn around for you.

    Your new theme works really well. Love the bookshelves! 🙂

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  10. Hahahhaa!! Hi Dany!! I’ve been away for a while too~ but it is nice to see you around! (and hope I will be around too) I always enjoy your sense of humor and now I wont be able to hear downer without thinking about E.D. as well hahaha!!! I like your new theme! that was the first thing I noticed and was like “woha, I’m out of town for a month and I don’t recognize this place anymore” but in a good way 😉 and yes, it feels easy to access 😀 yay \o/ Bday!!! remember, “we don’t get older, we level up” 😀


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