Music Monday~6-18-18

Hello there, Loves! I am happily posting for this Music Monday which Drew over at Tatooed Book Geek hosts every Monday because why not? Monday BLOWS and there is nothing like a good tune to boost your spirits, bang your head, or bust a move!

If you want to join in on these shenanigans, then Drew says feel free to do which awesome! But it never hurts to add a shoutout in there as well! i.e. Drew, your blog is the SHIT! I love Music Monday and your blog is badass. Of course this is not how normal people give a shoutout by saying it’s hosted by so and so but I am not everybody and I am freaking nuts!!!

Anywho.. I picked the song I am featuring for 2 other reasons than it was stuck in my head. The first reason is this song reminds me of the good times of my childhood with my dad and me singing this song @ 7 years old and how I even was part of this beauty contest, I guess pageant kind of thing(his way of trying to make me a lady) and can still remember his face when I came on stage singing this song but only a short moment before I got kicked off. Too bad. It was a mess but moments like that with my dad even though they were rare were the only things I could look back on my childhood. So in light of Father’s Day this song is for being my dad’s little lady.

The other reason was because when I got older this genre was all I listened to and this song bring me back to the days of some wild times to say the least!😉❤

Hope you guys have a great Monday and hope all of you Fathers out there had an amazing day!!! You rock and deserve it!😍❤

25 Comments on “Music Monday~6-18-18

  1. True story…. FB had one of those let’s tell you the song that describes your life type of dealy things and guess what song it gave me… Yeah, this one. I wasn’t really impressed, not that I don’t like the song but really?? LOL

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