Bite Sized Book Reviews PT. 2~To Fulfill Your Bookish Munchies

I would like to thank NetGalley, the publishers, and the authors for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Everything expressed in my blog are my views and own opinions.

Some monsters are still human.

In a magical 1899 San Francisco, the new millennium is quickly approaching. Of course, new inventions happen every day, some wondrous, some mundane while the streets produce a new murder every night.

Set against this backdrop a debutante goes missing, and socialite Helena Brandywine takes it upon herself, along with her trusted manservant, to discover what happened.

Did the woman run afoul of the Tongs in Chinatown? What horrors might she have exposed? Discover this Gilded Age while Helena uncovers her family’s secrets. The good and evil, where danger lurks around every corner. Can Helena Brandywine be prepared for the monsters she will uncover? Come search for the, Pretty Waiter Girls.

I chose this book because it was Steampunk and I love everything Steampunk but this story was lacking quite a bit. While I think the overall storyline had potential, the writing was hard to get through with the amount of errors and lack of proper world building. I found it a bit choppy but overall I found it had potential and with work it could be much better.

This is the story of three best friends: one who was murdered, one who went to prison, and one who’s been searching for the truth all these years . . .

When she was sixteen years old, Angela Wong—one of the most popular girls in school—disappeared without a trace. Nobody ever suspected that her best friend, Georgina Shaw, now an executive and rising star at her Seattle pharmaceutical company, was involved in any way. Certainly not Kaiser Brody, who was close with both girls back in high school.

But fourteen years later, Angela Wong’s remains are discovered in the woods near Geo’s childhood home. And Kaiser—now a detective with Seattle PD—finally learns the truth: Angela was a victim of Calvin James. The same Calvin James who murdered at least three other women.

To the authorities, Calvin is a serial killer. But to Geo, he’s something else entirely. Back in high school, Calvin was Geo’s first love. Turbulent and often volatile, their relationship bordered on obsession from the moment they met right up until the night Angela was killed.

For fourteen years, Geo knew what happened to Angela and told no one. For fourteen years, she carried the secret of Angela’s death until Geo was arrested and sent to prison.

While everyone thinks they finally know the truth, there are dark secrets buried deep. And what happened that fateful night is more complex and more chilling than anyone really knows. Now the obsessive past catches up with the deadly present when new bodies begin to turn up, killed in the exact same manner as Angela Wong.

How far will someone go to bury her secrets and hide her grief? How long can you get away with a lie? How long can you live with it? Find out in Jennifer Hillier’s Jar of Hearts.

Wow, what a twisted story of crazy events!🌟 This novel had me gripping my chair, craving more. I read this book within a day because it’s quite the page turner! There were many twists and turns and I definitely was surprised. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a gripping thriller that will make you want more!

The only sort of risk 18-year-old Laila Piedra enjoys is the peril she writes for the characters in her stories: epic sci-fi worlds full of quests, forbidden love, and robots. Her creative writing teacher has always told her she has a special talent. But three months before her graduation, he dies suddenly—and is replaced by Nadiya Nazarenko, a Pulitzer Prize–winning novelist who is sadistically critical and perpetually unimpressed.

At first, Nazarenko’s eccentric assignments seem absurd. But before long, Laila grows obsessed with gaining the woman’s approval. Soon Laila is hiking through the Catskills during a thunderstorm in March and discovering the psychedelic highs and perilous lows of nightlife, temporary flings, and instability. Dr. Nazarenko has led Laila to believe that she must choose between perfection and sanity—but rejecting her all-powerful mentor may be the only way for Laila to thrive.

Reading through this novel, I was conflicted. I loved the storyline and how the main character was a writer. I also really loved the main character but I hated the new teacher and how some people were so pushy with Laila. Regardless of those issues, it was a likable story and I enjoyed it for the most part. I feel a lot of teens and young adults will like this story.

After getting caught hooking up with her best friend’s ex on the last day of junior year, Kendall starts senior year friendless and ostracized. She plans to keep her head down until she graduates. But after discovering her online identity has been hacked and she’s being framed for stealing from a dealer, Kendall is drawn into a tenuous partnership with the mastermind of a drug ring lurking in the shadows of her Brooklyn private school. If she wants to repair her tattered reputation and save her neck, she’ll have to decide who she really is—and own it. The longer she plays the role of “bad girl,” the more she becomes her new reputation. Friends and enemies, detectives and drug dealers—no one is who they appear to be. Least of all Kendall.

Damn! What a book! When I requested this novel, I was expecting a fun typical YA novel. What I was not expecting was the amount of depth this baby carried. There was a large amount of current issues covered in this book such as; slut shaming, drugs, rape and more. I also want to add that I think the cover is just as badass as the book! I highly recommend this one!

Thanks so much for checking out my blog guys! More blog hopping and reviews to come. Leave me some Love. Xoxo. You guys rock!!!

10 Comments on “Bite Sized Book Reviews PT. 2~To Fulfill Your Bookish Munchies

  1. Pretty Waiter Girls looks so fun! Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to get past the errors, probably. Hopefully it can be smoothed out. Great reviews!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree, Alyssa! I even noticed my error in my review. Whoops!😰 I am horrible at reminding myself about proofreading but when I find that issue in a book it makes things less entertaining. Thank you so much for your support, Lovely!🌺 You rock!😃

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for that selection, Dani. From those, I would probably choose ‘Jar of Hearts’, but they will all find a readership, I’m sure.
    Love your new ‘pop-art’ picture too! 🙂 🙂 X
    Best wishes, Pete. xx

    Liked by 1 person

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