*~Review: A Spoonful of Magic by Irene Radford~4 Stars~*


I want to thank Berkeley Publishing Group and NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity. 

Synopsis: Daphne”Daffy” has what most would call the good life. She lives in Suburbia and has 3 awesome kids. She owns a coffeehouse and bakery with best friend and husband Gabriel, also known as “G”. To everyone on the outside life couldn’t get much better but little do they know that this picture perfect family are amiss secrets.

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Daffy’s life suddenly goes downhill when she discovers proof that her husband is cheating on her. She decides to face him on their wedding anniversary but is completely thrown off guard when he uses some crazy wizard-level magic. Things seem unreal to Daphne as she discovers her husband is the sheriff of the International Guild of Wizards and her kids are also magicians.

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When Daffy feels life couldn’t get any more insane she couldn’t be more wrong. G’s ex wife who is a crazy and dangerous witch, has escaped from prison. The ex wife is set on seeking revenge from the past. Daphne is faced with having to save herself and her family. Will Daphne bring order to all this new founded chaos?

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Review: I give this book 4 out of 5 magical stars. I really enjoyed the storytelling and was captivated by the magic. I loved Daphne and the children’s characters but was very conflicted on how I felt about G. I thoroughly enjoyed this story but felt they focused on the infidelity a tad too much. Overall I am glad I read this story.

37 Comments on “*~Review: A Spoonful of Magic by Irene Radford~4 Stars~*

  1. I️ hate reading about infidelity. Not that it has ever knowingly happened to me, but I️ am jealous/paranoid/ afraid that it might. For some reason reading about it makes me very uncomfortable and I️ have trouble respecting characters that sink that low.
    Other than that, the book sounds really interesting!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha, that Magic gif….priceless 😂😂😂 I like the premise for this book, imagine finding something like THAT out in real life lol. Another great review as always! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

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