*~Review: Milkshakes and Heartbreaks at the Starlight Diner(Starlight Diner Series #1) by Helen Cox~4 Stars~*


I want to thank NetGalley and Avon Books for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity.

Synopsis: Esther is smart and sarcastic, but she has a problem that prevents her from fully opening up. The problem Esther has is she is hiding a secret. Esther Knight waitresses at The Starlight Diner, an awesome and retro diner where customers can play classic music on the jukebox all through the night. The Starlight Diner is known for their great environment and New York’s best milkshakes.

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When the newest diner regular and actor, Jack Faber, tries to get Esther’s attention, everyone is baffled by her resistance. Nobody at her work knows her secret and why she left London. Esther just wants to break ties from her old life and start a new one in America. She feels that even with her new close friends and the lovely diner that her past is holding her back. Can Esther let go of her past and be set free from it? Can Esther live life to the fullest and fall in love again?

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Review: I give this book 4 out of 5 retro-tastic stars! I really enjoyed the unique environment the diner gave me reading this cute story. I have always enjoyed the look of retro diners and different things from the 50’s era! I thought this book was fun, sweet and cute. Overall, I really enjoyed this read. This book made me smile quite a few times. The only thing I didn’t enjoy quite a bit was I didn’t like the cliffhanger. I’m just not a leave me at the cliff until the next book comes out kind of girl. I also felt that Esther got a bit too dramatic at times. All in all, I would recommend this book and it was quite enjoyable.


13 Comments on “*~Review: Milkshakes and Heartbreaks at the Starlight Diner(Starlight Diner Series #1) by Helen Cox~4 Stars~*

  1. Haha…honestly, I like cliffhangers. Sure they can be very annoying at times, especially if you have to wait for ages for the resolution, but… I don’t know, I also kind of enjoy them at times lol 😂

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