*~Intertwined Hearts by Christi Snow~5+ Stars~*

I want to thank Christi Snow, NetGalley and Barclay Publicity for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity.

Synopsis: Leigh is a co-owner for a construction company in Snowcroft and is currently pregnant as a surrogate for her brother’s husband so they can have a family. Leigh’s in her early 30s and doesn’t see love in her future so feels it’s best to put her lady parts for use for her family.

Hudson just sold his dream business after a traumatic attack has him scarred for life and is just released from the hospital for not wanting to live with the trauma anymore and its effects. His friends take him back to Snowcroft to help him get back on his feet.

David accepts a job in Snowcroft after he feels heartbroken after the girl of his dreams ups and leaves him and the next day he is shot at his police job. He moves to Snowcroft to start over.

These three broken people wind up becoming a part of each other’s lives. They find love, happiness and the road to healing within each other but isn’t love supposed to come in pairs? This is a MMF romance novel.

Review: First off, I’m going to state that this might be a surprise and some may be uneasy with my review. I am a pansexual and polyamorous woman. I believe in free love. I don’t believe that love has to be restrained by how many people you love or what gender. I fall in love with hearts not parts. I think we should be honest and be who we are and love who we love. I know my beliefs and opinions might be unsettling to some but this is who I am and can’t change who I am.

This book was a beautiful and touching romance. One of the most touching and heartwarming books I have ever read! I loved that there wasn’t much jealousy in this book. In my personal opinion, jealousy can be such a bad thing in a relationship and it’s just not for me. I fell in love with all of the characters in this book and I didn’t want this book to end. Christi Snow weaved this story into an epic romance that I won’t forget.

I have been having some issues in my personal life because of people being judgemental and jealous but my love prevailed. Intertwined Hearts is just what I needed to remember how beautiful a poly romance can be and that I deserve to be happy. If someone doesn’t agree with my point of views it’s no reason to stop living my life as the person I am. We only have one life and we should all do what makes us happy and if people love us then they would just want us happy.

If you are open minded, I recommend this book to you. Christi Snow created a beautiful triad romantic masterpiece that will stay with my heart for a long time! I will be reading this book again and the author’s other works as soon as possible!🤗💖📚

24 Comments on “*~Intertwined Hearts by Christi Snow~5+ Stars~*

  1. Great review, and you should never have to apologise for your beliefs. People will always be judgemental I guess. Unfortunately that is the world we are living in these days. But I think it’s awesome that you are so openminded. I love that sentence “I love hearts not parts”. So true! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww Michel!!! You are the sweetest guy ever!!! You have been such a great friend!💖🤗 I love how open-minded you are!!!😗💯 I love that line too! When I fall in love with someone it’s because of their beautiful heart and soul not because of gender. I also believe that love doesn’t see numbers, limits or any kind of restrictions. Many people are against polyamory even more so then someone’s sexuality but I am who I am. I respect monogamy completely and have no problems with it! I’m just different. I understand other’s views but they tend to not understand mine unfortunately but that’s okay too!🤗 Thanks for your kindness Michel!!! I’m going to steal you, wrapy you up in cellophane and put you in mu closet!!! Yay!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well, the thing is I am a firm believer in the fact that love means something different for everyone. It certainly is not bound by any rules, and I will never judge any one in any way whatsoever. And I don’t think you are different at all…why because you have different views? It makes you more unique in my opinion 😊 Never doubt yourself in any way. It’s great of you to have such firm beliefs and stick by them: that’s what makes you so awesome! Never let anyone judge you in any way. Thanks for being such a great friend as well 😊😊
        Haha….as for staying in your closet: just make sure there is airconditioning lol 😂😂


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