*~Book Review: Dare You To Love Me by Becca Fox~*

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I want to thank Becca Fox for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and views expressed are my own. I appreciate this opportunity.

Book Blurb:

It’s senior year. He rules the school. She just wants to make it to graduation. With prom only six weeks away, and his reputation at stake – will Brian be able to get “Scary Pants” out on a date?

Brian Royland is the golden boy of Palm Beach High. He’s smart, handsome, athletic, and charming. He could get any girl in school – but he procrastinated and is now dateless for the most important dance of the year. When he hears about the new girl, Iris Newman aka “Scary Pants”, Brian is intrigued. But when Brian’s friends doubt he’ll succeed in scoring her as his prom date, bets start flying, and she turns into a prize to be won.

Iris has set several goals for herself; make sure her older sister has a smooth pregnancy, help her recently single mother support and manage their family, and find a way to stop her band’s bass guitarist from asking her out every week. She doesn’t have the time or the energy to deal with the arrogant and pesky Brian Royland, who is suddenly determined to get her out on a date.

It only takes six weeks for them to realize they have both experienced great loss. Surrounded by mayhem and high school drama – could they be the key to each other’s healing?

Review: I give this book 5 out of 5 sweet stars! I will have to admit when I agreed to read this book I was skeptical especially since it was a teenager love story. I was scared it would just be the usual cliche boy meets girl but I couldn’t be more wrong. I Dare You To Love Me by Becca Fox was so much more than that. I also met Becca in the blogosphere and liked her as a person so was scared that if I had to write a negative review I would be devastated. Thank God, when I read this book I was utterly pleased. Becca Fox created a sensational, unpredictable and heartwarming romance that I won’t soon forget. I loved how well written this story was and how the character’s stories unfold.

I am so glad I picked up I Dare You To Love Me and can’t wait until the next novel Mrs. Fox has in store for us! If you are looking for something sweet, that will make you tear up, has twists and turns and is unpredictable I would recommend reading this book!

Becca Fox was that strange girl in high school, who always seemed to have her nose in a book. She didn’t talk much because, more often than not, she was daydreaming about different fantasy worlds. During class, under the guise of taking notes, she wrote scenes for her works in progress.

Becca is a bit more social now but still enjoys reading, writing, and daydreaming. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, a fat orange tabby cat, and a forever-puppy.

*Copied from her Amazon page*

20 Comments on “*~Book Review: Dare You To Love Me by Becca Fox~*

  1. AH MY GAWWD 😍😍 5 STARS From YOU 💕💕!! I’m so happy you loved it 🤘🤘 Love this review of yours, you rock love 👏👏I know exactly what you mean by CLICHE AHAH Ive read so many romance with cliche teenager stories *rolls eyes*

    Liked by 2 people

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