4 Book Reviews of Books That I Could Relate to in Some Way or Fashion

Since I needed to catch up with reviews and have been battling some unexpected health concerns, I wanted to throw all these reviews together because of genre. I also highly enjoyed all these books and in some way or fashion I could relate to some or an event/s that occured in the story. I miss everyone and hopefully I am back to my full speed blogging potential before we know it! Have a great day lovelies and I can’t wait to catch up on everyone’s posts!💖💙💚💛💜

I want to thank NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.😄📚💖

Title: What Doesn’t Kill You

Author: Aimee Hix


*~Amazon~* / *~Goodreads~*

A favor for a friend turns into a murder investigation, drawing apprentice PI Willa Pennington into a labyrinth of lies and deception in the shadows of Washington, D.C.

Willa Pennington thought that becoming a PI would be better than being a cop. She thought she’d never have to make another death notification or don a bulletproof vest again. She thought she could move past the pain of losing her best friend. She thought she’d be safe.

But she couldn’t have been more wrong.

Now, agreeing to do a simple favor has brought her to a dead body, a missing person, and a battle of wits with an old friend who has dangerous secrets. If Willa can keep her focus, she could solve the murder, find the missing girl, and figure out if the person she’s trusted with her life is the one trying to end it.

I highly enjoyed this book and would recommend it to other mystery lovers! The only issue I had with this book was that it was a bit slow in places. In this book the MC is asked to help a girl leave her abusive boyfriend. I have been in this situation on both sides of it and in both situations it was scary. This was definitely a good start to the series and I’m curious to see what the author has in store for us next.

Title: I Know My Name

Author: C.J. Cooke


*~Amazon~* / *~Goodreads~*

…But what if that’s the only thing you can remember?

Komméno Island, Greece: I don’t know where I am, who I am. Help me.

A woman is washed up on a remote Greek island with no recollection of who she is or how she got there.

Potter’s Lane, Twickenham, London: Eloïse Shelley is officially missing.

Lochlan’s wife has vanished into thin air, leaving their toddler and twelve-week-old baby alone. Her money, car and passport are all in the house, with no signs of foul play. Every clue the police turn up means someone has told a lie…

Does a husband ever truly know his wife? Or a wife know her husband? Why is Eloïse missing? Why did she forget?

The truth is found in these pages…

I loved this psychological thriller! This book had me turning pages up through the night as fast as possible! The way I can relate to this story is that I am the care taker of my son’s father and he had his 2nd severe traumatic brain injury 4 years ago. He had only a 6% chance of survival and they never thought he would be able to walk, eat or go to the bathroom on his own. Well he proved all of that wrong but unfortunatelyhe battles short term and long term memory loss. Every day is new to him and sometimes even 20 minutes ago is erased. It has been a huge struggle in so many ways because his memory of us is so long before and such but we are a family and make it through. Back to the book, this story had me guessing like crazy and had no idea what was going to happen next. The plot was smooth flowing yet suspenseful at the same time. I highly recommend this book!😄

Title: The Good Samaritan

Author: John Marrs


*~Amazon~* / *~Goodreads~*

She’s a friendly voice on the phone. But can you trust her?

The people who call End of the Line need hope. They need reassurance that life is worth living. But some are unlucky enough to get through to Laura. Laura doesn’t want them to hope. She wants them to die.

Laura hasn’t had it easy: she’s survived sickness and a difficult marriage only to find herself heading for forty, unsettled and angry. She doesn’t love talking to people worse off than she is. She craves it.

But now someone’s on to her—Ryan, whose world falls apart when his pregnant wife ends her life, hand in hand with a stranger. Who was this man, and why did they choose to die together?

The sinister truth is within Ryan’s grasp, but he has no idea of the desperate lengths Laura will go to…

Because the best thing about being a Good Samaritan is that you can get away with murder.

Wow, what a chilling thriller! This book was very suspenseful and had me on the edge of my seat. I have to admit it was a tad disturbing since I have had to use the suicide crisis line in my past but it was still a highly enjoyable book. This book made me think and made the hairs on the back of my neck stick straight up! Definitely recommend this psychological thriller!

Title: A Game of Deceit

Author: K.A. Davis


*~Amazon~* / *~Goodreads~*

A father’s disappearance never solved, a mother’s secret taken to the grave, a daughter deceived…

Kathryn Landry thinks her life is just about perfect. She is the owner of a successful interior designer business in Newport Beach, California, and she has an attentive, supportive husband. But her world comes crashing down when her husband, Neil Landry, vanishes without a trace… in a situation almost identical to the disappearance of her father twenty years before.

With her father’s disappearance still a mystery, Kathryn is skeptical that the detective assigned to her case will be able to find her husband. Determined to uncover the truth, Kathryn is plunged into a world of politics, high-priced call girls and wealth. As she begins to search for her husband, a decades-old secret her mother took to the grave threatens to destroy all she holds dear. Caught up in a web of betrayals and deceit, and not knowing who to trust, Kathryn must find a way to survive as she discovers the past has a way of repeating itself.

I loved this book! I always love cold case stories. I felt I could connect to this story because at one point in my life I had someone vanish from my life in a crazy way and plan to write a book about it that would be inspired by true events. This book was suspenseful and had twists and turns that had kept me on the edge of my seat. I highly recommend this book and plan to read more of this author’s books!

Thanks for reading my reviews guys! You all are so awesome!💖💙💚💛💜📚📚📚

26 Comments on “4 Book Reviews of Books That I Could Relate to in Some Way or Fashion

  1. Well, I know I speak for pretty much everyone here when I say that we miss you too. But, really no worries, because taking care of your health and your personal issues is seriously way more important. I just hope that you will be feeling better soon😚
    As for this reviews, all of them were wonderful, but the second one was especially beautiful. Why? Because it once again proves what an incredible person you are. To take care of someone that has these kind of problems isn’t easy in the first place. But to do so, when you have enough things on your own plate: that takes a very special person. And that’s what you are: truly special , and never forget that 😚❤
    Thanks for writing these wonderful reviews and sharing the personal things in this way. And please: also don’t forget to take care of yourself: as best you can 😚😚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Blogger Appreciation Award! | Raistlin0903

  3. Interesting how many books seem to have some connection to your own experiences, Dani. I am sure that makes them all the more fascinating to read.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

    Liked by 1 person

    • A lot of it could be indirectly in some ways. Lol but I didn’t realize how crazy my life was until the last few years. I think its because there’s so many of us in one body. I have woke up in jails and mental hospitals under different names. Smh.😕 Thanks for all your support my friend. I think it does make it more fascinating to read and recently I guess I have been picking titles where in the synopsis it sounds like something I have experienced as well so I can finally break down some barriers.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. There’s some really amazing books up on here! I Know My Name sounds particularly fascinating. How you connected to it is also quite a touching story. Stay strong Dani and keep on being awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

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