Book Review: She Regrets Nothing

I want to thank NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity.

In the tradition of The Emperor’s Children and The House of Mirth, the forgotten granddaughter of one of New York’s wealthiest men is reunited with her family just as she comes of age—and once she’s had a glimpse of their glittering world, she refuses to let it go without a fight.

When Laila Lawrence becomes an orphan at twenty-three, the sudden loss unexpectedly introduces her to three glamorous cousins from New York who show up unannounced at her mother’s funeral. The three siblings are scions of the wealthyfamily from which Laila’s father had been estranged long before his own untimely demise ten years before.

Two years later, Laila has left behind her quiet life in Grosse Point, Michigan to move to New York City, landing her smack in the middle of her cousins’ decadent world. As the truth about why Laila’s parents became estranged from the family patriarch becomes clear, Laila grows ever more resolved to claim what’s rightfully hers. Caught between longing for the love of her family and her relentless pursuit of the lifestyle she feels she was unfairly denied, Laila finds herself reawakening a long dead family scandal—not to mention setting off several new ones—as she becomes further enmeshed in the lives and love affairs of her cousins. But will Laila ever, truly, belong in their world? Sly and sexy, She Regrets Nothing is a sharply observed and utterly seductive tale about family, fortune, and fate—and the dark side of wealth.

Overall this was a likable book. There was a lot of characters that I loved to hate and it went at a steady pace. I was first intrigued by the synopsis and the cover and thought it would be interested. This book was definitely interesting with the family drama and all the scandal that consumed the plot. I felt this story was lacking a bit because it felt a bit too pretentious for my liking. 

I was torn on the characters but I really LOVED Liberty’s characterisation! So overall this was a likable book for me that had it’s flaws for sure. I am sure though that there would be a lot of people who would enjoy the drama in this fiction novel. 

19 Comments on “Book Review: She Regrets Nothing

  1. Really you are the master of gifs! I can’t say that often enough. The review for this doesn’t sound too positive though. I thought with a title like that, out would really be something completely different than the premise described. But I guess not every book can be Dani approved in the end. Still this was a lovely review as always 😘😘❤️❤️ You are seriously working hard at the moment sweety: wow: very impressive 😊😊😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmm. ‘House of Mirth’. Loved that film.
    ‘Grosse Point Blank’. Loved that film too.
    My entire life seems to be becoming a film reference…
    Maybe this book is not for me though. 😉 x
    Best wishes, Pete. x

    Liked by 1 person

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