What is an Agorophobia?

Hello lovelies! Today I am going to talk about something a bit different than books and that’s agorophobia. I know that’s a crazy name and many may not know what that its. Also some people may think that it’s something that can be easily overcame or that the person can simply get over it.

Well first I am going to give you folks the definition of an agorophobia from the Mayo Clinic:

Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed. You fear an actual or anticipated situation, such as using public transportation, being in open or enclosed spaces, standing in line, or being in a crowd.

The anxiety is caused by fear that there’s no easy way to escape or get help if the anxiety intensifies. Most people who have agoraphobia develop it after having one or more panic attacks, causing them to worry about having another attack and avoid the places where it may happen again.

People with agoraphobia often have a hard time feeling safe in any public place, especially where crowds gather. You may feel that you need a companion, such as a relative or friend, to go with you to public places. The fear can be so overwhelming that you may feel unable to leave your home.

Agoraphobia treatment can be challenging because it usually means confronting your fears. But with psychotherapy and medications, you can escape the trap of agoraphobia and live a more enjoyable life.

Now, the reason I am talking about this is because I have an agorophobia and it makes me panic just thinking about it or writing it out. As many of you know, I am a free spirited and out spoken person. I was that way in real life as well. I would always be on the go and never turn down an adventure. I have experienced some of the craziest things and at the end was alive to say I lived through it. I have went on random nationwide road trips. Pretty much, I just lived life to the fullest.

Starting 4 years ago things went out of control in my life but I was use to chaos. Hell, I lived through so much child abuse and torturous events what could stop me now.

Well things stopped… That was for sure. I became caretaker of a loved one who couldn’t remember 5 minutes ago. I was having a lot of emotional strain family wise. I was scared of all the criticism of my mental illness and the effects of it. I had friends use me and talk behind my backs when I fed them and clothed them when they were without. Most of all, I got real sick. Like life or death sick.

I drugged myself so much to numb the pain and anxiety of it all. When I decided to get clean and come off opioids, I was stuck. Literally, stuck.. At first I just couldn’t go some places and then it turned to more frequently. When I step on my front porch, I feel like I am literally suffocating. I have even passed out from hyperventilating from just stepping on my front porch.

People start thinking your a bad friend, a bad partner and your family says you don’t come by enough. When none of them understand the torture I feel just opening the door. Of course there is a lot more that happened to make me this way but this was the PG rated version.

The reason I am writing this article is to not bring attention to myself but to let others know you are not alone in this. Also if you have a loved one who battles this disorder, it feels like life or death to us. I know its hard to understand when it may be so easy for you to go outside but it is that bad. Oh how I wish to be the girl I once was and not be trapped by fear. With my health if not on bed rest, I should live life to the fullest but leaving my house only to go to the doctor once a month with have a trusted person is no way of life. Not for me or my kids…

Thank you everyone for hearing me out!

45 Comments on “What is an Agorophobia?

  1. Many years ago, my cousin was diagnosed with the condition, when she just stopped leaving the house. For almost two years, she never went anywhere. She didn’t work, or go to the doctor or dentist, relying on her parents to look after her at home. In other respects, she was friendly and sociable, and liked to have visitors, just as long as she didn’t have to go out. Then our grandmother died, and she made herself step outside, to attend the funeral. After that, she felt OK about going out, and later got married, and had a family. Even talking to her now, some 40 years later, (she is 60) she cannot really say why it happened.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

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    • Thanks so much for sharing this with me, Pete. It’s good to know your not alone with stuff like this. I’m glad your cousin was able to feel okay about leaving and able to presume life in many ways. I’m praying ome day that I can just snap out of this. It’s lost me a lot of people and time.😓

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  2. My husband was diagnosed with agoraphobia and is currently in CBT therapy trying to battle the social anxiety parts of it. It has been a long road but he has been making progress thank goodness! Your post describes him very closely, I should send it to him to show him he is not alone! Thank you for sharing, I know it is hard to open up about.

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    • Thanks so much for sharing this with me, April. I have been in therapy twice a week this whole time and have worsened. Being in therapy since I was 7 has made me kind of immune to CBT in a way because I know everything going to be said. I’m so sorry that your husbabd has to battle this. It is so debilitating. I know it’s not only hard on the person facing it but the loved ones as well. Please let him know he is not alone! It is so hard and it’s great he has a wife so underatanding!😁 Thanks so much for stopping by!😄

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  3. I don’t have agoraphobia but I battle anxiety and self doubt. But you know something? Posts like this are just simply an inspiration to keep battling things like that. For you to be able to write and share something in this way, and to have people that battle it find a strength in it, that is pretty much one of the most precious gifts that you can give them. And that is all you sweetheart. I know life is tough for you. I, like Kim said, would love to have a magic wand and change things for you. Unfortunately that is not how the world works. But…I do know this: be proud of the person you are today. As I said ones, despite everything, you are the strongest woman that I know. People that have undergone only half of the things you went through, are not even close to being the person that you are. You have this amazing gift of spreading warmth, love and happyness to everyone that knows you, and even people that don’t know you. A post like this shows how much of a caring person you are. And I hope that people who read this, will only find a small portion of that strength in themselves as well.
    Dani….my sweet and beautiful friend: just know that you are not alone yourself either. We are all here for you, and if you ever need my help in any way, know that you don’t need a magic wand to call upon me😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️

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  4. *hug* dealing with a phobia is hard enough. It’s infinitely worse when people don’t try to understand. Worse than that is when someone with a crippling phobia also, makes light of yours, either because you’ve taken the time and energy to proceed through a partial phobia treatment, or because you generally have a stubbornness towards other things, or possibly they think you are making it up.

    Yea.. I’ve had people make light of my demophobia, even someone who has agoraphobia did so. Soooo mad at that. (Demophobia is a fear of crowds or crowded places) I don’t have an issue with enclosed spaces. I can do elevators, get MRIs, I have a cat-like tendency to stuff myself in hiding places to read. I even had a special nook built outside on our patio so I could read and hide. But put me in the middle of a crowd of people, or block my egress with like boxes or carts, and I start to panic.

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    • Thanks so much for opening up and sharing this with me! You are exaxtly right even people with other phobias and other mental illnesses are not understanding of others, which is just sad. I am so sorry that you have had to face this and appreciate you educating me and sharing!😍

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  5. I’m so sorry, Dani. You have so much to deal with without having agoraphobia thrown into the mix as well. Reading the comments on this post it sounds like sharing about it has helped other people. Stay strong. One day things must be better for you.


    • Thanks so much, Mary! Your comment really touched my heart!❤❤❤ I have been waiting for my break to come and it’s so hard to stay optimistic that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for me. I can’t remember a time in my life when I had peace. I guess I wouldn’t know what to do if there was no chaos. At the same time I believe God must need me for something bigger than my understanding to have to endure so much. I’m not saying my pain is worse than anyones or anything like that. I know we all have trials and pain is pain. I just don’t understand. I try to be a good person just would love a break…😓


  6. Any phoebia is difficult to live with Dani but som are more invalidating than others like yours. I used to be afraid of flying to the point of phoebia. I experienced real panic but it’s so much less annoying than your as I don’t get to take the plane often. I’m way better now thanks to homeopathy. Once more i’ll say it: you are brave and courageous!

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  7. Dated a girl once with this condition, didnt last long. I was too outspoken, she wasnt. She ended it. We are still good friends cuase you need time to process what it is they actualy have to deal with. Good luck Dani🌹

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  8. Oh honey! I feel this so much. For a period of time after coming out of an abusive household I could only leave the house for work and even then I would go high.
    I refused to go out at unless I was high, eventually I was able to go without but then I would take my mum every where. One time the doctor commented on how much i was improving and my mum’s response was “she refused to come today unless i was with her”.
    I’m better now, but there’s still places I refuse to go or drive to. I can’t catch public transport. I’m having to look for work while internally screaming about the prospect of getting an interview and having to go.
    I just wanted to let you know that I get it, and its fucking hard, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m yet to find it yet, but I’m a little closer. One day you’ll get there too. xx

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  9. Girl, I’m so thankful for your posts. You seem to post them when I need them the most. I have something like that too, among other things (and based on all the comments, feels like this is not an isolated thing but more of a secondary issue we get due to other stuff that has happened in our lives). I have never given it a name or talked about it, to why I rather walk than ride the bus (even when it is -16 or the road is icy), why I avoid eye contact, why I get anxious and stressed when I’m away from home, or why I always make excuses so I don’t need to meet people. But these kind of posts make me realize I’m not the only one and that this is real. I’m not even sure where to find that light at the end of the tunnel, but now I realize that I’m not alone in this darkness and that we can hold each other’s hand while we search for our light. ❤ ❤ Thank you sweetie


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