#Motivational Monday

Hey guys! I am still battling some rough times with a loved one’s health concerns. To say the least, it has been a sleepless and hectic last few days! The good news I have been able to read a lot and working on catching up with reviews. I miss talking to you guys daily and will be at full force soon! I got this like a Boss! *crosses fingers* I may be having a rough time but I am learning to dance in the rain.❤ I hope that every single one of you have a fantastic week and if there is a chance of stormy weather, you can also dance with me! Xoxo❤

35 Comments on “#Motivational Monday

  1. Sorry to hear things are still shaky for you, Dani. But i have 100% confidence that you will get through it all, and we will still be here when you do. 🙂 x
    Best wishes, Pete. x


  2. Love the quote about learning how to dance in the rain! I wrote it down so I’ll remember it 😊 best wishes to you Dani, may things settle down soon! Love, Flo.


  3. I’m really sorry that things still haven’t settled down for you. What is amazing though is that even in such rough times, you are still thinking of us. And find the time/strength to do this. You are indeed a powerwoman. I miss you Dani: hopefully things are going to be better for you very soon. Take all the time you need: and if you need help: you got it 😗❤
    Take care sweetheart 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much, Michel!❤❤❤ I feel bad that I haven’t been able to visit anyone’s posts. Things took a wrong turn last night but felt the need to try and give others and myself some words of encouragement. Hope you are doing well. Sorry I haven’t had a chance to email back. Life has been really hectic but will make time asap!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Really sweetheart that is absolutely the last thing you should worry about. Really no worries about answering back. I totally understand. You take as much time as you can to take care of things. And I really hope that whatever is going on with your family member that it will go better for you both real soon. You will have all the support you need from me. But please no worries about blogs/emails. No need to feel bad about that at all. The most important thing is for your family member to get well again. You are both in my thoughts and my prayers. Take care sweety and know that I am always here for you whenever you need me 😘❤️


  4. I love the quote about dancing with the rain. I wrote it down as a reminder to indeed dance with the rain 😊 Take care, hope things get better soon!


  5. I hope things settle down for you soon, I love that quote, first saw it on the tiles of a ladies loo in a rest station on the way to Ohio from Rochester and took a photo of it (of course), it’s a great one to keep at the front of your head xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Fraggle! I hope they get better soon as well. I am trying to stay positive about it all but my kid’s mom was hospitalized last night and things worsened. I will pull through though! I think that’s awesome you saw this pic in the loo and of course you took a pic!😅 xoxoxo

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  6. I’m a little late to this, so I’m hoping things are a little better for you Sweetie. I love that dancing in the rain quote. It’s raining buckets here right now, but I hope you’ll understand if I don’t go out and dance. It’s a monster Nor’Easter and with hurricane force winds, I’m liable to get knocked on my fannyifI go out!😁


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