*~Quick But Meaningful Literary Quotes~*

20 Comments on “*~Quick But Meaningful Literary Quotes~*

  1. Interesting quote! Classrooms sure can limit the mind, but with the right teachers, I feel like it also open so many doors, including the one to the library hahahah Thanks for sharing, Dani. 🙂

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    • I agree, Lashaan!!❤❤❤ With the right teachers I do believe you can go so far and it does open the door to another library. I’m all about our freedom to learn though. In America, we battle issues where they teach the children false history. Stuff they know is not true but teach anyways. Like our children are still taught that Christopher Columbus discovered North America. When everyone knows there was Native Americans here first. There is many other things in America that we are taught but that is the first thing I could think of.

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    • That’s great, Pete! I actually was in AP(college course) classes as a freshman in highschool and dropped out then because of all the homes and the streets. I got my GED though and scored perfect across and went to college later so I guess I could have done worse. In America, the students are still taught false information about history and whatnot. I teach my children to have an open mind and to not ever stop searching for the truth.

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