Book Review: Happily by Chauncey Rogers~5+ Stars!



I would like to thank the author for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review I appreciate this opportunity and all views expressed are my own.

About the Book

Title: Happily
Author: Chauncey Rogers
Categories and Genre:ARCFrom My TBR ListPage Turner

Top PickStrong FemaleEBookCover LoveHumorAdventureClean





My Rating


If the shoe fits, wear it.
If it doesn’t, make it.

Laure is a teenage street urchin just trying to get away. Where the rest of the world sees an enchanting love story, Laure sees royal incompetence and an opportunity to exploit it. She’ll have wealth and a way out of a life she detests, if she can only manage to hoodwink the royal family and survive to tell the tale.


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Book Review
When Chauncey Rogers first asked me to review his new book “Happily”, I was automatically intrigued after reading his horror/thriller novel, “Cleaving Souls”. Now when he told me it was a Cinderella retelling, I was completely thrown off guard! How was the man that wrote such a thrilling novel as “Cleaving Souls” going to pull off a fairy tale relling??!! Honestly, I was a little scared because what if I didn’t like it and I liked Chauncey as a person so much as well as his previous novel.
Well he put those feelings at bay, instantly!!!

In fact, I devoured this whole novel in one sitting! This is hands down the best fairy tale retelling that I have read! It was completely incredible and the characterization was absolutely amazing! Laure was filled with this sass and spunk that you can’t help but love. Luc has a heart of gold that just made me swoon.

donald love

The plot was fast and steady yet wonderfully descriptive! This book teaches a lot of valuable principles, for instance you should “never judge a book by it’s cover” and “true beauty truly lies from within”. I became intensely invested in these characters that I didn’t want the novel to stop and I am dying for more! I truly loved everything about it and Chauncey Rogers has quickly made himself one of my all time favorite authors! I know that regardless of the genre or the synopsis of the book that Chauncey Rogers comes out with, it’s going to be a magnificent work of art! I would seriously follow his work anywhere! I highly recommend this novel to anyone who loves a good retelling and/or Young Adult novel.😍💯📚❤👑


I received an eARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity and all opinions expressed are my own.



About the Author


Chauncey Rogers was born in Arizona, and since then has hopped back and forth between the mid-western and western United States. He married in 2012 while attending school in Utah. His favorite movie since he was three is Jurassic Park, and he wishes very badly that Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster were real, though he doesn’t believe in them as much as he used to.

You can find Chauncey’s website/WordPress Blog @


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41 Comments on “Book Review: Happily by Chauncey Rogers~5+ Stars!

  1. Pingback: AWARD: Sunshine Blogger « This Is My Truth Now

  2. Fabulous review, Dani!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ Perfect descriptions of Laure and Luc! Such a lovable characters! I couldn't agree more with your thoughts on Chauncey's writing- no matter the genre, I can't wait to read it and love it!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: TAG: Would You Rather (Summer)? « This Is My Truth Now

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  5. Pingback: Reads & Reels Tours: Backdoor Storytelling – And Sidetellings. And Retellings. Featuring Chauncey Rogers, Author Of Happily – Touch My Spine Book Reviews

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