Author Interview Featuring Author Candace Robinson




Hey guys I am super excited to feature this awesome author/blogger on my blog today! She is such an amazing lady with a sweet presence and beautiful soul. I was so glad I connected with Author Candace Robinson!!!

So I am going to shut my babbling mouth up and start this interview because I am so excited to feature her on my blog! Woot!



Will you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m a writer or at least try to be. I have the tendency to fight with the little demon in my head who constantly tells me that I’m not good enough. Besides that, I live with my husband and daughter who support me through all my insanity. I also have a migraine condition and sometimes they are in the form known as hemiplegic migraines which are utterly debilitating.

Can you tell us about one or more of your novels?

I wrote Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault back in 2016 and ended up self publishing. After one of my new books, Clouded by Envy, got picked up by The Parliament House, I submitted Quinsey and the sequel to them in which they picked them up. After the new editing process, Quinsey is now how it should have been the first time. It’s full of retellings because I absolutely love them, and I chose the ones that shaped me as I grew up. Other than Quinsey, another of my books that I co-wrote titled Bacon Pie also just released. It has bacon and pie and some romance.




Are the characters in your stories that are based off yourself or anyone else?

So, I have two manuscripts I just finished that aren’t published and I put a little of myself in there. I sometimes use moments that have happened in my life and sprinkle that in as well. In Hearts Are Like Balloons, the opening chapter about my dad ending his life is the same way it happened to me, except I wasn’t a teen when it occurred. Writing that book helped me get through things a little more easily.

What has been the hardest part of becoming/being a published author?

Marketing! Also trying to get an agent. I’ve been on a mission for a while now to find one, and I’m hoping eventually one will fall in love with my words.

When did you first start writing stories or any other kind of writings?

I wrote poems a little after my senior year in high school, but I didn’t actually write anything until I wrote Quinsey in 2016 right after my dad died. I figured life is always unexpected, and you can’t sit there and keep waiting to do something about it.

What inspired you to become an author?

I don’t really have a great answer for that. I just always have little images in my head that are waiting to be pulled together into a story. It knocks, knocks, and knocks some more at my head until they are written down.

Did you take writing classes or are you self taught?

No writing classes! I’m sure someone would argue that I need to! Lol!

What is the most difficult part of writing?

Believing that what I’m writing isn’t a big mess. In all honesty, the first draft is most likely always a catastrophe, but then you can go in there and sew it all back together with new words and removing words. Eventually, it all comes together!

What are your hobbies?

Reading and taking care of my daughter. She’s a huge Harry Potter fan so I’m pretty sure that makes Harry Potter my hobby!

Are there any authors that have inspired your love for writing?

I haven’t read a lot of the classics, so it’s mainly YA for me. And that would be Tahereh Mafi and Sarah J. Maas. I just can’t put their books down!

What is your favorite book? I know this can be a difficult question for readers!

The Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi and Under the Never Sky series by Veronica Rossi

Can you share with us your favorite literary quote?

It’s not literary lol, but my favorite quote is actually by the singer Jewel back in the 90’s “I’d rather see the world from another angle”

If you could give young writers (who’s dream is to be published) a piece of advice that has anything to do with the writing process, what would that be?

Just keep at it. If you want to get published, it is probably going to take a while, but there is someone out there who will love your work. We all just have to find them.


Author Bio:

Candace Robinson spends her days consumed by words. When she’s not writing stories, she maintains a book review blog. Her life consists of avoiding migraines, admiring Bonsai trees, and living with her husband and daughter in Texas—where it can be forty degrees one day and eighty the next.








32 Comments on “Author Interview Featuring Author Candace Robinson

  1. I think the cover of her last book was exceptional.
    And anyone who can look that good in blue lipstick is OK in my book! 🙂 x
    (And the name Candace has gone in my notebook! 🙂 🙂 )
    Best wishes, Pete. x

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Lovely interview.
    “Reading and taking care of my daughter. She’s a huge Harry Potter fan so I’m pretty sure that makes Harry Potter my hobby!”
    I love that one!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Great interview! I find these really informative and honestly motivational- I always love hearing about writers who self-publish and then find a traditional publisher. I need to take her advice and just keep at it!


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