The London Murder Mysteries by Alice Castle~Rachel’s Random Resources 

The London Murder Mysteries

I would like to thank the author and Rachel’s Random Resources for allowing me to take part of this awesome tour! 



Death In Dulwich (The London Murder Mysteries Book #1) by Alice Castle

Death in Dulwich Cover

Thirty-something single mum Beth Haldane is forced to become Dulwich’s answer to Miss Marple when she stumbles over a murder victim on her first day at work. 

To clear her name, Beth is plunged into a cozy mystery that’s a contemporary twist on Golden Age crime classics. But can she pull it off? She already has a bouncy young son, haughty cat, a fringe with a mind of its own and lots of bills to pay, as she struggles to keep up with the yummy mummies of SE21.

Join Beth in #1 of the London Murder Mystery series, as she discovers the nastiest secrets can lurk in the nicest places.


The Girl in the Gallery Cover

The Girl In The Gallery (The London Murder Mysteries #2) by Alice Castle

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to Dulwich…

It’s a perfect summer’s morning in the plush south London suburb, and thirty-something Beth Haldane has sneaked off to visit one of her favourite places, the world-famous Picture Gallery.

She’s enjoying a few moments’ respite from juggling her job at prestigious private school Wyatt’s and her role as single mum to little boy Ben, when she stumbles across a shocking new exhibit on display. Before she knows it, she’s in the thick of a fresh, and deeply chilling, investigation.

Who is The Girl in the Gallery? Join Beth in adventure #2 of the London Murder Mystery series as she tries to discover the truth about a secret eating away at the very heart of Dulwich.


Book Review

I am crazy about this series! What, What! I really enjoy books based in London even there’s some nasty murder to go with it. I also love that the sleuth was a single mom battling issues that us moms can relate to.                        giphyI also can see why reviewers are saying she’s the modern Miss Marple and have even compared her to one of my all time favorites, Stephanie Plum!!!💙 


There wasn’t loads of gore and violence in these novels, just great murder mysteries that are sure to captivate many readers with their witty and charming characters and portraying a story that has you antsy waiting for the next novel to arrive. I wish there was more mysteries like this. There was the perfect blend of a fun cozy feel and a murder mystery that keeps you turning pages late through the night! #WorthIt!😀  I loved the characterization in these novels and loved the steady pace that captured my attention from beginning to end! I highly recommend this series to anyone who loves a good murder mystery with great characters are that great added bonus. I give the first two novels in The London Murder Mystery Series a definite 5+ out of 5 freakin’ fantabulous stars!



Where to Buy It (1)

Click Here to View The Author’s Books In The U.S. Amazon Store!

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For U.K. members you can click this image to view the author’s books! Any other country can click any of the links and click their country to see if available!


Giveaway – Win signed copies of Death in Dulwich and The Girl in the Gallery (UK Only)

*Terms and Conditions –UK entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then I reserve the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time I will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.


Author Bio – Before turning to crime, Alice Castle was a UK newspaper journalist for The Daily Express, The Times and The Daily Telegraph. Her first book, Hot Chocolate, set in Brussels and London, was a European hit and sold out in two weeks.

Death in Dulwich was published in September 2017 and has been a number one best-seller in the UK, US, Canada, France, Spain and Germany. A sequel, The Girl in the Gallery was published in December 2017 to critical acclaim. Calamity in Camberwell, the third book in the London Murder Mystery series, will be published this summer, with Homicide in Herne Hill due to follow in early 2019.  Alice is currently working on the fifth London Murder Mystery adventure. Once again, it will feature Beth Haldane and DI Harry York.


Alice is also a mummy blogger and book reviewer via her website:





Hey guys! I am sorry about me posting this fresh again but the glitches with WordPress continue.😣 My post made me sound illiterate and thought that was a bad image for a book blogger. I have to admit that I am not the best at proofreading but when DO deletes one scheduled post and sends a draft version of one I wrote that stinks so back to talking to the “Happiness Engineers” .😕 I also apologize for not being online much lately since I have been trying to cope with the family crisis I blogged about last week. I finally had a great breakdown with lots of ugly crying but once I finally let it all out, I am feeling more like myself! I miss you all and I am hopefully going to get the chance to blog hop to a blog near you!💜

35 Comments on “The London Murder Mysteries by Alice Castle~Rachel’s Random Resources 

  1. My cousin lives in Dulwich, a short walk from the Picture Gallery.
    (It is now a very trendy and prohibitively expensive area of south London)
    I had better warn her about those murders! 🙂 x
    Best wishes, Pete. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Pete, great to hear about your cousin and hope she’s enjoying living in lovely Dulwich (apart from all the murders, of course). Hope she’ll show you around the Picture Gallery when you next visit and you can see the scene of the crime for yourself! Best wishes, Alice

      Liked by 2 people

    • Warn her indeed, my friend!😀 It’s a small world. 🌎 Sounds lovely and I am not too worried about the murders because the tricounty area that I love in is ranked pretty high up there in the nation. We have some crazy people here like that older teenager sat in a church service where they all welcomed and I think he killed pretty much everybody because of racism. It was horrible but that’s Charleston, SC sometimes! Sorry that you probably have duplicates of this posts in your email. I had to update it this a.m. and had to go through more bologna with WP. 😣

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sounds like fun whodunnits! Though London’s not that special 😉 the Vera Stanhope novels by Ann Cleeves are set where I live, much nicer than London,and the same sort of thing, they’re even a tv series.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am not a huge fan of murder mystery novels, but I do have to admit that I like the setting of London and the story itself sounds intriguing too. Wonderful post as always 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Love!💜 I had to redo it this morning though because WP sent my draft instead of what I did last to fix it up. Argh. I wish they would leave me alone. So annoying but I never knew you didn’t like murder mysteries but to each their own. This one wasn ‘t the typical murder mystery and I really loved the characters which really can make or break a story for me sometimes.😉💥 I hope you are doing well and I’m trying to get back to myself but feel too old and busted to shake it off. Lol. But on a serious note, the kiddos are doing good and we had a family therapy session so I am trying to get back into my groove! Xoxoxo!


  4. Hi Dani, just wanted to say a huge thank you for having me on your blog today, it’s such a fun place to hang out. And a massive thanks for the lovely review – I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series. Beth’s next adventure, Calamity in Camberwell, is out on 13th August and it’s her toughest case yet, so I hope you’ll be reading on xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • How awesome!😀😍📚 Thanks so much for stopping by. I’m so sorry that my post yesterday was all kinds of messed up! I was just literally trying to fix the errors. 😵
      I can’t wait until August! OMG!😮 #fangirling😍 Congrats on the tour and your upcoming new release!💙 I can’t be more excited, YAY!🏆 *happy dances* 💥 I signed up earlier this a.m. for your newsletter so will be looking forward to your updates. I love your site and blog!😀


      • Aw that’s lovely to hear, Dani! I’m really enjoying hanging out on your blog, you have some great commentators with pretty strong views (lol!) and excellent book recommendations, I think I’m going to make it my new home when I’m not writing (as I should be now – working on Beth’s 5th adventure, Revenge on the Rye). So glad you like my site, and thanks for signing up for the newsletter xx

        Liked by 1 person

        • I loved it all and definitely love your writing!💜 I’m so glad you enjoy my blog we have some pretty wild convos at times but I love it!😀 I’m glad I have so many awesome friends/followers. My blog for sure brightens up my day but have so much to catch up on! Hope you have a lovely week!💙


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