Publication Day Blitz: Violet Souls by Abbey Macmunn ~Rachel’s Random Resources

Violet Souls, book 1 The Evoxian Legacies

While searching for clues to her past, shy single mum, Bree Mills discovers a subculture of aliens with supernatural abilities living on Earth.
And she’s one of them.
Finding herself hurled into a world of possibilities, it’s made more alluring by Quinn Taylor, the violet-eyed Evoxian from her childhood dreams.
324-year-old Quinn knows his destiny is entwined with Bree’s, but before he can confess his love, he must wait for her to sense the Akui, a mysterious force tied with ancient Evoxian law.
At a Cotswolds country manor, passions awaken and ignite a love more magical than the once-Utopian planet, Evox. Then Fate delivers a cruel and heart-breaking blow when Bree is kidnapped by a malicious alien who wants her and her power.
Will Quinn still love her when she’s faced with protecting her half-human daughter… whatever the cost?

Purchase Links

With Amazon Kindle. Prices change constantly so always check your cart to be sure!

Author Bio –

Abbey MacMunn writes paranormal and fantasy romance. She lives in Hampshire, UK, with her husband and their four children.

When she’s not writing, she likes to watch films and TV shows – anything from rom-coms to superheroes to science fiction movies. She is a proud member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association.

Social Media Links –

24 Comments on “Publication Day Blitz: Violet Souls by Abbey Macmunn ~Rachel’s Random Resources

  1. Oooh: this really sounds like a novel that I would really enjoy.Totally like the premise and anything sci fi is interesting to me😊😊 Thanks for sharing this one😉

    Liked by 1 person

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