*~The Mortician’s Daughter: One Foot in the Grave by C.C. Hunter~4 Stars~*

I want to give a huge thank you to NetGalley and EverAfter Romance for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity.

Publication Date: 10/31/2017(Today!)

Synopsis: Riley Smith is not your average 17 year old high school senior. She has what some may call a gift and others may call a curse. Riley sees dead people. Since Riley’s father is the town’s mortician the dead seem to follow him home to Riley, where Riley helps them with whatever they need to cross over. Dealing with a new town, new school, her dad’s alcoholism, missing her dead mom and two new troubled spirits that entered her life, Riley feels like she’s losing it.

The two new dead people in her life are different than the others that she has encountered. Hayden is a beautiful guy and is the same age as Riley. He also has abilities that other ghosts don’t have such as; Riley can kind of feel Hayden’s touch and he’s not listed in the obituaries. Abby is a very tormented soul. Some days Abby is dressed up nice because of Riley’s dad, others she looks beat up and suffering. Riley also has the ability to feel the spirit’s emotions and she realizes Abby’s death was more tragic than a mere accident!

Hayden vows to help Riley find out what happened to Abby. The only problem is the increasing feelings that bubble up between the two. Riley knows she shouldn’t fall in love with a ghost but Hayden’s soul is so beautiful and kind.

While facing all her obstacles, Riley meets strong willed classmate Kelsey. The two girls share grief and other issues and become instant best friends. The two girls battle high school drama, boys and hard emotions.

Will Riley be able to help Hayden and Abby cross over? Will Riley be able to discover what really happened to Abby? Will Riley be able to let Hayden go and set him free and vice versa? Will Kelsey and Riley be able to cope with life and deep rooted issues? Read this YA Paranormal book to find out!

Review: OMG! I loved this book! One Foot in the Grave made me smile, laugh, made the hairs on my neck stick up, and warmed my heart. I loved the characters in this book! Riley was a down to earth girl and knew she has flaws but loves others intensely. Riley is such a compassionate person. Kelsey was strong willed and loving. Hayden was another fantastic character and made me wish he was alive as well! He was so open minded, compassionate and just wanted the best for Riley even if that meant setting Riley free!💖 The reason I am not giving this book 5 stars is because the ending. The ending left me with a cliffhanger and I admit, I can be impatient! At times, the story felt like there was a tad too much going on but overall still was a smooth and well rounded story. This title was perfect for the holiday! I highly recommend this title and can’t wait until the next one is released!!!

18 Comments on “*~The Mortician’s Daughter: One Foot in the Grave by C.C. Hunter~4 Stars~*

  1. I SAW THIS TOO!! 😱 On Netgalley, I mean. 😅 And I requested it but I GOT DECLINED. 😭😭😭 But good to know that it is as wonderful as I assumed it to be when I read the description. It’s just…..the cover is very….eerie, isn’t it? And the title itself. 😈 MAKES YOU WONDER. I am so glad that you enjoyed reading it, Dani. 😘 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re exactly right girl!!!! When I looked at the cover I had mixed feelings and didn’t know what to expect but reading the description and divulging in this book was pretty awesome! I know how that goes with NetGalley you win some, you lose some!😁


    • Someone told me they have a Read Now section as well where you don’t have to worry about approvals and some companies have less expectations than others but we all got to start somewhere😁 I’m actually new to NetGalley. I started very end of September I believe!


  2. Cliffhangers can be soooo annoying at times. I hate/love them. I don’t mind waiting a bit for something to continue…but a whole year or even longer makes me hate them with a vengeance lol. This does sound like a terrific book though. I have not read a lot of YA novels (so far only Hunger Games), but as with everything I have a large backlog on these as well. Great review, and am glad you are doing better (as I have read in the above comment 😊).

    Liked by 1 person

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