Book Review: Ghost Hunter Z

I want to thank D.A. Schneider for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and views expressed are my own.

Ghost Hunter Z – The Hunt is On.

Z is an unlikely hero: A stranger in a strange land, he came to London to escape his past and make money using his ability to see ghosts, little did he know he’d be caught up in a race to save the great city from the King of Demons, Asmodeus.
Meanwhile, Inspector Grant has been charged with finding the culprits behind the spiritual summoning in a ritual that took thirteen lives, while facing a winged beast that’s destroying the city in nightly attacks
Time is of the essence, as The Queen’s steam-powered war machines march to meet the demons head on in a battle that may reduce the city to ashes.

Ghost Hunter Z the debut novel by D.A. Schneider for KGHH Publishing is a dark fast paced adventure that will sprit you away.

I give this book 5 out of 5 Crazy Stars! When I started reading this book a week ago, I was thrown for a complete whirlwind and ended up having nightmares! This book was filled with all the killings and gore one could need if you are wanting a good thrill.

This book was like horror meets steampunk and the Ghostbusters! At first, I was like “what did I get myself into deciding to read this book?” Then I found myself compulsively turning pages through the night.

This book had a Victorian England setting that I just fell in love with!

I also really enjoyed the fun characters in this book. The craziness and gore just had me at the edge of my seat, leaving me with a definite five star rating! If you are looking for horror and gore a plenty, I highly recommend Ghost Hunter Z!

23 Comments on “Book Review: Ghost Hunter Z

  1. Pingback: Book Review: Ghost Hunter Z – The Militant Negro™

  2. God, the gifs just blew me away, haha! Love them ❤ The book seems like a fun horror book with loads of gore, might pick this up when I feel like reminiscing the Goosebumps age but the gore level going higher 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Another day, another book to add to my to read list and another terrific review from an amazing woman 😊😘 Seriously, this sooooooo sounds like my kind of book. Definitely want to check out this one. Thank you for sharing this, and as I said this review was seriously awesome 😊😍

    Liked by 1 person

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