My Newfound Love for Kindles and E-Reading

Free Download of the Kindle App that can be downloaded on any desktop, laptop, tablet, and/or cellphone. Downloading the app through my link helps this chicka out!😊 Fire 7 Tablet with Alexa, 7″ Display, 8 GB, Black – with Special Offers This link will set you up with the free app: – Read eBooks using the FREE Kindle Reading App on Most Devices

So I wanted to share with you guys my newfounded love of e-reading through kindle. When I first started blogging I was strictly print books. I LOVED the way they smelled and the way they felt. Okay so I am guilty of being a #bookmolester I spent all these years thinking electronic reading was just over-rated bullshit but I kept hearing about everyone receiving EARCs in exchange for honest reviews. So I began to ponder. I mean free books but electronic. Also these books were books not available to the general public yet and so were before publication! That sounded like something that was badass to me! Hell to the yeah buttttt…..

My print books were still calling my name and wanted all the love and attention they deserved. Well all I was reading was the used variety which is still great. Old news can still be good news. The final thing that let me cut the apron strings of my print books was the space issue. Not only did I want to read these cool books before publication, I had no more space for books. Hell, I have some packed up in boxes and on top of dresser drawers. They are overwhelming and everywhere. So you catch the drift. I am a freaking book hoarder and have no place to live!!!😵😵😵

Well shortly after my epiphany, I was gifted a 50$ Amazon card and my first thought is what do we need diapers or toliet paper? The first thing that popped up when I pulled up Amazon’s home page was a ‘super one day sale’ for a Kindle Fire HD 8 for $49.99! I was like damn… I just did a list of pros and cons and the only thing I knew was that I couldn’t afford some kind of e-reader. So I went through the house and searched for anything that we could need at the moment. Nothing… Nada… For the first time in God knows how long, we had enough of our necessities.

I fought with myself. Even though it was supposed to be a gift for me, I never use any extra money on myself. So finally I said “Fuck it! I am going to get the darn thing! What’s the worse that can happen? I can return it if it doesn’t work out!” I know this is a bit emotional about just switching to an e-reader but for me I thought I was giving of my true joy of reading with the touch of the pages and the great feeling of holding a beautiful covered hardback and switching to this simple electronic device! 😢😢😢 I am technologically impaired to say the least as well… I felt doomed for sure.

I received the box in 2 days thanks to getting a free membership to prime (which I want to talk about at another time). I unboxed it and thought “well atleast it’s light weight and pretty.” It was this awesome punch red. Well pretty much this thing was easy to figure out and handle. No screaming at the device and begging someone else to fix it! Yay!!! I mean hell, I am writing this post on my kindle now. Hell to the yeah! I was so excited and could not hide it! !! *happy dancing *💃💃💃

So to sum things up, Dani was completely wrong!!! I didn’t even need the tutorial to figure out this bad boy. The kindle books app was a godsend!! I was able to go into there and type in ‘thriller’ and would put a filter for ‘lowest to highest’. I would end up getting so many titles with any genre for free. There were so many sites that would show me different books in different genres for free everyday!! Like Bookbub! Say, “What, What!!!” To be real with you guys, I have over 900 titles that were all free from the kindle app. I shit you not!!!

I was scared of the controls when I was wrong again, everything is ‘easy peasy’. I could even make the fonts and such larger so my blind ass could see better. I was able to get all these free eARCs from authors and publishers via NetGalley that were fantastic and ones that were before publication. I just loved the results and you know how hard this is as a woman to say… “I am glad I was wrong.”

I have been enjoying my relationship with my kindle and loving all her benefits. We have become great friends with benefits and I have named her “My Side Bitch.” What made me fall deeply in love with my kindle was text to speech. I know that might sound strange but then again if you know me, I am stange.

I battle with mild dyslexia. When I read a book what will take most people 6 hours of continuous reading would take me two days. I have battled this for a long time and it can make my passion of reading very difficult.

One day I was on WordPress chatting up my friend Carrie @ Carrie’s Book Reviews and she mentions using TTS and I’m like “wait, what?” I seriously thought that you had to buy audio(which is ridiculously high priced) to have any kind of assistance reading. She let me know about it and I did what any person would do, I googlevestigated. I found out that I could use TTS to read along with mostly all the titles in so many different voices and all my pretty much every title I needed!🙌🙌🙌 I read the benefits it had for dyslexia and other stuff people have to go through. I was jaw dropping amazed by this. So I had to try it out.

I figured out how to set it up and OMG. I was able to read like a normal person. I don’t mean to say someone with dyslexia is not normal but I felt at ease. I felt safe. I felt that I was able to read and be comfortable with what the words really said and was able to go along smoothly. I can’t even explain how good of a feeling that this was. I couldn’t be thankful enough that I found a way to preserve space, save money and get free books, and to finally read comfortably.

*Update: I forgot to say I have rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia and the kindle has eased my pain. It’s hard for me to even type at times so a kindle helps me because I don’t have to worry about the pain of holding a book.*

I can not recommend the kindle enough and they even have certified refurbished ones that are fantastic! I had a gift card for Christmas and was able to buy one for my son for 23$ including tax because it was refurbished and a 5th generation!😊 It was in mint condition and worked beautifully. Now about the top link and such, the link is to get the Amazon kindle app. You can download it on whatever device you like and because I am an Amazon affiliate it will benefit me as well. I haven’t sold my soul to the devil being an affiliate. I am a sick mom with three kids but seriously no pressure loves!😍 You can download the app and purchase or get free books or whatnot. You can download it wherever and decide it’s not for you that’s fine too. Nothing is going to change about me being your friend Dani💖 I am supposed to let you know by Amazon terms and conditions that I am an affiliate!😊 No pressure to even click on the links. I know as an affiliate clicks and downloads add to your stats but first of all your my blogging buds and wanted to share this story because it might help someone. I love you all and Happy Reading Loves!!!!😍 Fire 7 Tablet with Alexa, 7″ Display, 8 GB, Black – with Special Offers Click Picture of tablets for Fire 7 price and info $49.99

79 Comments on “My Newfound Love for Kindles and E-Reading

  1. Omg I love my Kindle. It’s a library in my purse, though I still will always love physical books. What’s great about the Kindle is if you forget it and have access to a computer, you can go to Amazon and still read stuff from your Manage Your Devices.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aww, Dani! This is so amazing that you found something to help you love reading even more! I read on the kindle app. I hve a kindle but I don’t use it since the kids cracked the screen. Luckily, the app is working just fine for me though. I read print and ebook.

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  3. Ok, first question if I become an app will you use me more? I can text to speech on command, I have a unique layout, AND I can turn on easily with a press of a finger.. 😉 haha sigh tho I can not compete with the amount of storage the library can hold…lol on a serious note babe, thank you for sending me the link. It’s only been 2 hours and already buying a book! (Dani knows how cheap i am lol) I would like to add tho that unfortunately my device does not provide tts BUT there are apps you can download for free to change every format into speech. Which is freakin awesome. And speaking of awesome you are bursting with it! Thank you for posting such great things to help us all out. You rock!! 🙂 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love my kindle! I use it mostly to borrow ebooks from my local library network which was a major revelation for me. So many free books right at my fingertips!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m really glad that you have found something that does not only help you, but that you are enjoying so much as well. Really so happy for you 😘😘
    I have set up the app using the link 😊 Hope it will help you. As for me I am a bit of an old fashioned guy (lol 😂😂), so I hardly ever read on electronic devices. But I am still very happy for you though 😘😘
    But the free books thing sounds cool though! Thanks for sharing this, and keep having fun with it! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Michel!😍 Yeah the clicking and downloading adds to my stats 😉 😘but I really wanted to share how much it made a difference!😍 Free stuff is always good in my opinion! LOL. I’m not going to be spamming up my post or anything just wanted to share my experience. It really did make such a huge difference in my reading! I understand though. I was old school too and a lot of people already have the app but free is always good with me!😍😉💖 Thanks for all your kindness and generosity! You are the bee’s knees!😘


  6. I have the kindle app and use it a lot, still do real books now and then though 🙂 good for you that its been such a great experience, love all the gifs. Dunno about over there but here you get amazon prime for free for a. month and then they charge you automatically £70 for a year of it, so just be sure to cancel it before the month is up if it’s the same there. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love my Kindle. It was a gift from my husband after we had a panic when I ran out of books to read when we were in Turkey. Searched everywhere but no English langauge books to be had apart from guide books. Finally tracked down some in an estate agents where the woman was part of a charity to look after stray cats and had organised a book swap for tourists and ex-pats. Now, I can go away without packing heavy books and know I’ll never run out of reading material. I still love ‘real’ books, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for sharing that story Mary!😊 How neat! I still love print books as well! You just can’t get over that feel!😍 That’s an awesome experience but not the panicking part! That’s really cool that lady looked after stray cats. I would definitely have a panic if I ran out of books in a country with no English language books!😰 No free library with English language books or used bookstores?! That would be the worst!😨


  8. So happy I could help you out with TTS Dani! I remember being there myself and thought huh what is this magic you speak of when someone mentioned it. And then I did what you did and looked it up and it really was there all along and completely free with my Fire and I thought how in the world did I not know this?? Then thought OK that’s what you get for always rushing and never reading instructions. LOL But yeah, I thought we had to pay those crazy prizes for audio. Oh and I can totally relate to the bigger font being a major plus too! I’ve gotten some books that while I actually have decent eyesight the font is so dang small I have to strain so I absolutely love that I can set it bigger and not stress myself out and get a headache trying to make it out.

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  9. Hi Lovely! I’m so pleased you’ve discovered the kindle! I was so against them when they first came out but my boyfriend got me one for xmas years ago and I became a total convert. I love the library app too. My mum has one and I got her this bean bag thing (you could make it yourself) that supports the kindle on her lap so she doesn’t even have to hold it. Just don’t drop it in the bath!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I bought Julie the first Kindle, when it came out a long time ago now. She never really took to it, and it is lying around unused in a box somewhere. I downloaded the app for my PC and smartphone, mainly so I could buy e-books written by blogging friends. I still read rarely, but when I do, I always find myself picking up a ‘real’ book.
    I appreciate that you find it easier to hold of course, and it is definitely progress, no denying that. I hope that your affiliate programme earns you some extra, and helps out with things. Just a thought, does it transfer the links to the UK and Europe sites? Quite a few ‘Dani fans’ are not in the USA.
    Best wishes, Pete. x

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know it’s not for all. I completely understand. I wouldn’t touch an ebook before now! Lol. You are more of a film guy!😍 I use to have a Netflix addiction! It was bad!!!LOL Awww I have fans that made my day!😍 I know I am definitely a big Pete fan!😍 That’s a really good question Pete. I know it works for any item anyone is looking for, you just send the link but I am not sure about if it matters where you live. I shall investigate this!😊

      Liked by 1 person

    • So after investigating a bit, I see that I should be able to be an affiliate worldwide. So if anyone is ever interested in a product they can tell me exactly what it is or send me a screenshot of what they looking for and I can just send them a link of the product they were already going to buy just gives me a boost!☺ I am trying to figure all the ends and outs but I do see that all should be good far as world wide. We get like bounties for different free programs people may sign up for and any link we send to someone about a product on Amazon and if someone looks at any other products as well I would get clicks and benefits for those products as well because they went to them after using my link!😊 I think the only drawback is that the person has to order within 24 hours of clicking the link.

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  11. Ereaders and ebooks are a wonderful advancement for the literary world. The immense storage capacity, the cost-effectiveness of most titles (I won’t mention the BIG BOY publishers who refuse to price their ebooks at rediculously hight prices), and the overall convenience they afford. It’s a win-win situation. I still prefer print books (usually bought used for a few cents plus shipping; yeah, I know, I’m beating the authors out of royalties by buying used, but hey, I’m an author myself and I’m not complaining).
    Anyway, I’m glad you’re enjoying your Kindle. I have two Kindle Fires (I won one– my wife has claimed it), and a Kindle Paperwhite ereader. I won’t live long enough to read all the books I currently have loaded, but I can now hoard books to my content and not worry about stacks of hard & paperbacks crashing down around me. Have fun! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Dani, I have the Kindle Paperwhite reader. I also have a Kindle Fire 8 HD tablet which is a couple of years old. I just took a look and was surprised at how the prices have fallen! Great deals available these days. My wife’s Fire is a 7 HD tablet. She really likes it. I never got used to my Fire and barely use it now. If I travel I bring my laptop along instead of trying to use the Kindle Fire. Much easier on these old eyes! Enjoy! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      • I love that feature about it. It would be nice to have that non distracting, with no charging time to read with the kindle fire you gwt notifications and such and disttacts you but the paperwhite looks easy on the eyes too!💖💙💚💜💛


    • I completely understand why you would use your laptop instead!😊 I have a Fire HD 8 tablet and fell in LOVE with it!😍 Yeah the prices have fallen considerably!! I bought my son a 5th generation fire for 23 dollars! I got my fire HD 8 for 49.99 so was lucky I made the switch when I did! I am very interested in the paperwhite but not sure all the details but knew I drooled over it when I saw it but only had gift cards and knew my broke ass couldn’t afford one of those nice paper whites but one day *crossing fingers* Lol Thanks so much for sharing! I always look forward to your thoughts!😊😍 I hope you and your family have a great week!😍


  13. They definitely both have their pros and cons. I have an outdated Kindle that I use to purchase books when I’m broke but I still buy physical books every once in a while to get my new-book-smell fix lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m surprised you don’t have one yet sweetheart! Oh no! Well when you decide to get one kindles are great priced and if you tell me when you want one I can send a link to you online and it will be the same price and all I just get benefits out of it too!😊 Anything you want on Amazon I can send you the link to it if you tell me what it is or send me a screenshot of what you want and I send you a link for it a and I get benefits and shit off your purchase. hehe. Sorry I didn’t mean to sound like a sales woman.😨 Haha you’re too sweet beautiful lady!😍 But a lot of people use their phone as an e-reader which I would do too but I am blind as hell! LOL😂 I hope you’re doing well sweetheart!😊💖


  14. I loved this post Dani. I’m attached to my kindle and the kindle app on my phone. I miss using more print books but for now the ebooks are better suited to my lifestyle.

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  15. How exciting! So happy for you and your new love for the kindle. 😀 It’s so handy. I love mine, too. ❤
    Haha I love that you call yours your "side bitch"! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  16. That is awesome Dani! I am really glad that you found such joy and solace with the Kindle! I also was super anti eReader for the longest time. Much like you, when I started this blog, and found out that you can get access to books early from places like Netgalley, but that they were ebooks, I was still skeptical, but much more intrigued. I actually asked for a kindle for my birthday this year! I got the simple one, that literally all it is, is an eReader. The only things it is connected to (besides Wifi) are Goodreads and Amazon. I kind of wish I held out and maybe been directed towards the fire, but I do really like my kindle! I am reading much faster on there than I thought I would, and that gives me a note of confidence I was starting to lack, especially when I am among such fast readers here!

    That is very cool that you are an affiliate! If I am ever in the market for an upgrade, I will certainly ask through you! :]

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awesome Sauce!!!!😄💖💙💚💜💛 I read that the kindle is great for when you want to focus on reading with no distractions but you can turn off notifications for your fire honestly.I was shocked that prices were lower for the fire than the kindle. Maybe because the kindle has a way longer lasting battery but I know I got a certified refurbished kindle for my son that worked awesomely for around 23 or 24$ and you can get a fire for 49.99 brand new so I was a bit confused by all that nonsense. LOL. Some people say they prefer the regular e-readers vs. The fires but that’s a good question to ask people on their preference with so many book bloggers reading eARCs!😄 Thanks so much for all your support Samantha! I hope you’re having a great New Year thus far!💖💙💚💜💛

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  17. I love ebooks too! My Kindle is the original 8th generation, so it’s more simple and doesn’t do anything other than allow me to read books, but I love them. I read almost half of my books in ebook format, and I do love my paperbacks but ebooks are just a saviour for my pocket 😀

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  18. Oooh, I love my kindle!! I was so excited when they first came out because I always wanted a PADD, like from Star Trek. And now I have my kindle and my galaxy tablet 😄

    I love hardcopy books, but ya, space issues I feel. And when traveling, the Kindle lets me take an entire library!


  19. This is awesome girl! I definitely prefer print to electronic still, but it is nice to have an ability to read e-books for cheaper prices and when its easier on authors to send them.


  20. TTS…explain. Please?
    I currently have a long commute to work each day and have to have audiobooks to keep me from losing my ever loving mind in traffic. I have a gold membership with Audible which roughly equates to $16 a month for one credit that can be used towards any audiobook in their selection. This isn’t so bad, as I can get a $20 audiobook for the cost of my 1 membership credit. However, I am trying to cut back on my spending this year and if I could get something that read ebooks to me it would be huge! Anyway, I just had to comment and see if you had more information you could share on this. Thanks girl! I hope you are having a great day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey girl! TTS is a setting that ison pretty much any eBook. You can go to your settings and add it and depending on your type of kindle. I just googled how to enable it. But it speaks it out and you can choose different voices and it just talks like siri would but I personally hear it just like an audiobook because I read along with it but many people use this as a free alternative to audiobooks! I LOVE it!!! It makes reading along with my books so easy but for your commute it would be highly cost efficient!😊

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  21. I never thought I would switch to kindle books. I hoard books and enjoy reading with an actual book in my hand. However, I recently switched to using a kindle and I am hooked! Amazon prime users also get free books to read, so that was a motivating factor. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome and thanks so much for commenting on my blog! Yay! I fell in love with my kindle! I have been featuring free kindle books on my blog! You can get free books ecen without prime but you’re right prime offers free books which is AWESOME! Thanks so much for sharing!😉😍😄


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