Coming Clean About My Absence…My Family Has Been Struggling And Is In Need.. Hardest Post To Post

I know many have wondered where in the hell I have been… Well yes I have battled grief and yes I have had issues going online but I haven’t shared it all.
I have went through way more than grief, I have been fighting for my ability to take care of my children and to get the medical treatment for my family. Long story short, we have lost most of our income and medical benefits.

We went weeks without electricity, had to cut back like barely nothing on food for kids to have it and we have went without medical supplies and medications.

I have been battling seizures without my medicine and haven’t been able to caretaker my son’s father who has a brain injury and can’t remember 20 mins ago or long term. My child’s mother has been battling renal failure with no way to go to the doctor and my other son’s father has no insulin. I know that’s a lo but we are four disabled people who work together to give our kids as much as love as possible.

I hate and I am scared about writing this post because it’s so hard for me to swallow my pride but we have tried every agency and every resource possible. Thanks to the one friend I asked advice from Kim @ By Hook or By Hook I was able to get an emergency food resource for the week but since we are facing eviction and are we need some medications to live we are asking for the bare minimum to help us out, enough for rent and meds. I know that many might be having their own struggles and please don’t feel bad if you can’t help and I don’t want anyone to go without because of me. Your kindness, prayers and/or vibes mean the world to me and are just as important!💜 You can find the link to the fundraiser @

It’s a safe and secure place for any transactions and none of your information will be shared.

Thank you for taking out the time for reading my post and if anything I may have said wrong I apologize my brain has been a little scrambled from lack of meds and sleep from stress. I can’t thank you enough for your support of Touch My Spine Book Reviews

You can find it on Twitter at

121 Comments on “Coming Clean About My Absence…My Family Has Been Struggling And Is In Need.. Hardest Post To Post

  1. So sorry to hear about these overwhelming issues, Dani. Small wonder you are at the end of your tether, and finding it very hard to get by. Unfortunately, I am on a retirement pension, and my wife hasn’t been able to find a job since she was laid off from the bank in January. She is too young to get her pension, so we are living on what I get.
    Fingers crossed that I might have a win on the lottery or something, as I would love to be able to help you.
    Best wishes as always, Pete. xx

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I’m so sorry your family is having to go through all of this! I’ll share your go fund me on my next Shout Out Sunday this week and give what I can once I am paid. It wont be much but I wanted to help as much as I could! Hopefully you get enough donations to get you through another month! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Greyson for sharing!!!❤❤❤ That means so much to me. Hon, you don’t have to give if it will make you have issues. I have been battling myself with this post all day. I feel like some loser abd don’t want anyone to see me different. You are such a great friend for aharing and showing your support. I have been so embarrassed and its taking everything in my power to not delete my blog post. It might be all the stress talking but I appreciate all my friends and you are exceptionally amazing fir showing your support and love. Sorry for all the rambling and the emotion sweetheart. I am just thankful to have such supportive friends. I know I need to swallow my pride and not worry if I look bad., I just really care about my friendships here. Thank you for veing a great feiend, Greyson!❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh honey, don’t apologize! You’re going through a rough time and there’s nothing wrong with being emotional OR asking for help! Everyone needs some help sometimes and its honestly such a show of strength to be able to ask for it because it’s not an easy thing to do! Just try to keep busy or distracted so you don’t worry and stress about it too much and make sure you look after yourself! ❤❤❤❤

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m really sorry you’re going through this hard time Dani, I really wish I could do more than give you all my best wishes and positivity so you and your family can get back on track with the money situation soon❤ All my prayers are with you❤

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Dani, I’m truly sorry you’re going through this. Thank you for sharing these things with so many caring people. I know it’s hard to reveal such things. I know where you are coming from for I have walked in your shoes. I will keep you in my prayers.


  5. Dani, no matter what state you live in, there are great non-profits out there who can help. Grants for moms is one. Catholic Charities is another. I am so very sorry you are in dire straits and pray you find relief soon.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the info Cindy. I have been calling around and a lot of them go based on what area and I have found a couple close ro me but they said they didn’t have any funds right now or a lot of them stated I needed to be a single mom living alone. Another problem is that I am living in the middle of nowhere and we have no vehicle because its broke down or anyone to take us anywhere at the moment. So it kept being a vicious cycle. Because the ultilities were not in name because of my credit they couldn’t help me. It’s just been pretty difficult we have found a few places to help and one of them helped with food. Our applications for State services has been a disaster as well. I am continuing to look though. Thank you so much for the info and well wishes.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I missed this post before Dani. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. There isn’t anything I can say to make things better. Just know there are people praying for you and your family.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Pingback: A friend in need…… | Raistlin0903

  8. Dani!! I just read your posts! I’m sure more lovely bloggers will read this and donate as well, Dunno how people reblog posts, but I will share yours as soon as I figure it out 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Pingback: Bookbloggers, lets give Dani some love! – Miss Honeybug's Reads & Crafts

  10. Pingback: Shoutout Sunday – An Emergent Shoutout! – Greyson Reads

  11. Pingback: Coming Clean About My Absence…My Family Has Been Struggling And Is In Need.. Hardest Post To Post — Touch My Spine Book Reviews - Wandering For Money

  12. Sorry dear. In my country we say that even when the night is so dark and cold, take heart because morning is soon to come. I hope you get relieved of your problems soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Needs vs. Wants – Please Help Dani #GoFundMe | When Women Inspire

    • Thanks so much for sharing this!!!💙 It means so much to me to have everyone’s kindness. Though my situation is overwhelming, I have felt so much hope with everyone’s kind words, donations, prayers and thoughts that my heart is full!💜💛💙


  14. Dani, I’m so very sorry to hear of all your going through. You and your family are in my prayers. I know you are a strong women but sometimes things just become too overwhelming. I’ll tweet your post (posts I see I have several to catch up on). You deserve so much happiness and joy!! Much love! ❤😗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so !uch, Stephanie!💙 I am so sorry I just now saw this and your donation. I sent you a Thank you note thingy but really words can’t express my gratitude for the prayers and all around support!💜 Your friendship means the world to me!💙💛💙 Lots of love sent your way. You ROCK!💙


      • You’re so welcome, Dani! I was so happy to be able to help you and your family with my donation; I think if we are able to help someone, then we should, and I was fortunate enough to be able to help you! I hope it helps you guys ❤❤❤ I know how thankful you are! You are truly one of the most unselfish, loving people I know. I’m still sending you lots of prayers and my support! Let me know what else I can do to help. You too! So glad we met! Love you back! 💗💗❤💗💗 Thanks…you too!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Aww!!!!!💜 Stephanie, that means so much! I saw your donation and looked at everyone else’s and started to be teary eyed again.💙 I am so glad we met and how much we can relate! I hope you and your family are having a great week and I really can’t thank you enough!💜

          Liked by 1 person

          • You’re a wonderful person and it was a joy to me to be able to help you and your family with my donation. I’ve found that happiness really does come with helping others, and I’m just thankful I was able to be there for you. You’ve been through so much that you need peace and all good things!! I’m so glad too, my friend! Thank you! It’s been a little crazy, ha! My hubby and I were on an anniversary vacation until Sunday and came home to some family drama…nothing that can’t be handled but omg!! I should have stayed on vacation lol!!! I’ll have to send you a DM on Twitter or email, lol. You are more than welcome! 💖


  15. Reblogged this on and commented:
    I first read this post thanks to a repost from another blogger, and simply had to share it on my own site. It may be hard for many of us to imagine that there are people in dire need in our own backyards, but we are truly surrounded by those less fortunate souls. I’m sure Dani will be grateful for all the prayers and donations we can offer her and her loved ones in this time of need.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Pingback: Ms. Dani Needs Our Help – The Militant Negro™

  17. Pingback: Shoutout Sunday – An Emergent Shoutout! – Use Your Words

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