Buddy Read Review With Jay Cudney: Aggravated Momentum by Didi Oviatt


I would like to thank Jay Cudney for buddy reading this title with me! Not only was it such a great experience to read another fantastic book by one of my faves, Didi Oviatt, I am a huge fan of Jays so it’s like I got 2 for the price of a 1! You can never go wrong with either of these author’s novels and I strongly recommend them both! Everything I have read by them has been hands down 5 Stars. This novel was not an ARC and all views are my own.💙


About the Book_1


Title: Aggravated Momentum

Author: Didi Oviatt

Publication Date: September 12, 2016

Page Count: 446 Pages


Where to Buy It_1


Deadly thriller, twisted plot, shocking, and dark conspiracy hardly scratch the surface to define Aggravated Momentum. Not everything is as it seems in what appears to be an average family. When danger lurks so close to home, skeletons emerge, and the darkest of secrets surface, causing twisted desires to become reality. Aggravated Momentum offers the perspective of some very diverse and unique characters, including fun, witty personalities to fall in love with, along with an intellectual killer to die for. You may be surprised as to whom exactly you can relate. Is it the cold, calculated murderer, who’s name is yet to be revealed? Markie or Kam, the independent sisters, guilty of nothing more than getting tangled with the wrong people at the most inopportune times? Or, the cowardly snake curled in a hidden corner? Who are you, exactly? And, more importantly, who are they? The deeper you dig into the psyche of another, the more breath taking are the secrets you will find.

Wow!!! Didi Oviatt has done it again, she has made me feel a wave of emotions and held my attention from beginning to end! I was on the edge of my seat with this serial killer thriller(I like how that rhymes!) and I loved every moment of it! This novel took me on many twists and turns and wouldn’t let up until the last page and it still had my mind twisting and twirling with the story after the fact. My favorite thing about this novel though would be that I got to experience Didi’s greatness with the awesome author, Jay Cudney! I mean how much more can a girl fangirl than to read one of her favorite author’s books with one of her other favorite authors!!!💜💚💙 Swoony, Swoon, Swoon! I loved chatting with Jay and comparing insights about this novel and we both have Aggravated Momentum a “hands down 5 Stars!” You can find Jay’s review here! Yay!

So back to the book, I loved the characterization! Didi has a great way of portraying unique characters with realistic challenges! This book wasn’t filled with any Insta-love or any of that lovey dovey stuff, this was more of a novel of watching the f*ck out before your next! I was totally thrown off guard when we found out who the murderer of the story was. I was completely blindsided and man was the conclusion intense. By the end of story, I had no idea what was going to happen and then this major twist happens and I was left with my jaw hanging, like really? That’s how they were connected underneath the surface of family secrets and past dramas!😮 I have to admit though, I wanted to know more at the end maybe because I am just overly curious but I hear Didi is considering a sequel so that makes me extremely happy!💜 If you haven’t had the luxury to read this novel, I recommend you doing so ASAP!😀 Didi is also very connected with her readers and is quite awesome.😁 I can’t wait to see what she comes out with next!!!💙 I give Aggravated Momentum by Didi Oviatt 5+ stars and the same goes for her she deserves the stars and who shebang as well!😘🤩

Growing up in a small town had more than several advantages and disadvantages. Saying that my childhood was sheltered is nothing short of an understatement. Unlocked doors, cleared streets, and the quiet of a trustworthy neighborhood were all welcomed features of my hometown. As a small child I baked cookies with the old lady down the road. I sat next to my kindergarten crush in sun day school, and literally rode my bike in the middle of the road without a care in the world. We didn’t have what kids have today. We actually had to use our imaginations to have a good time. There were no smart phones, tablets, or 64s to keep us occupied. We were perfectly content to play with our stick guns and a water hose for hours on end… And I loved it! Along with my scrapes and bruises I also maintained a simple, happy for the little things attitude, and of course a great tan.
Now that I have made my childhood out to be nothing but cherries and smiles, I have to point out the disadvantages that came with the small town upbringing– before the world of electronics took over the young mind. One word distinctively comes to mind… Boredom! As I grew into adolescence I no longer cared much for silly toys, dancing, baking, or crafts. I rebelled like many young adults do.With a sever chip on my shoulder and a lack of coordination in the sports department, I spent the majority of my time partying. Nothing too outrageous, mostly close friends,fires, and beer.
As much as I would love to say that living in a small town gave me an overactive imagination and love for books, that is unfortunately not the case. I cared more about having a good time than I did about school. I was voted wild child twice in high school. I cheated my way to passing grades.
It wasn’t until I was settled and married with a child on the way that I found my love for the literary world. Rearing out of my mid twenties left me a bit more mature, having to find more important things to do with my time than re-occurring nights at the bar. This is when it started – I read one book after another for a few short years, then decided to give writing a bash. I’m completely amazed at the love I developed! Once I started putting the world of imagination that has long been trapped in my overactive mind into a keyboard, the transformation of self began. A new aspiration in life has formed. I want nothing more than to be known as the unexpected novelist who took the literary world by storm! You can connect with Didi on her WordPress blog @ didioviatt.wordpress.com

About Jay Cudney:

James is my given name; most call me Jay. I grew up on Long Island and currently live in New York City, but I’ve traveled all across the US (and various parts of the world). After college, I spent 15 years working in technology and business operations in the sports, entertainment and media industries. Although I enjoyed my job, I left in 2016 to focus on my passion: telling stories and connecting people through words. My debut novel is ‘Watching Glass Shatter,’ a contemporary fiction family drama with elements of mystery, suspense, humor and romance. To see samples or receive news from my current and upcoming books, please subscribe with your email address at my website: https://jamesjcudney.com
What do I do outside of writing: I’m an avid genealogist (discovered 2K family members going back about 250 years) and cook (I find it so hard to follow a recipe). I love to read; between Goodreads and my blog at https://thisismytruthnow.com, I have over 500 book reviews which will give you a full flavor for my voice and style. On my blog, I started the 365 Daily Challenge, where I post a word each day that has some meaning to me, then converse with everyone about life. There is humor, tears, love, friendship, advice and bloopers. Lots of bloopers where I poke fun at myself all the time. Even my dog has a weekly segment called “Ryder’s Rants” where he complains about me. All these things make up who I am; none of them are very fancy or magnanimous, but they are real and show how I live every day.
A bit of humor: Everything doubles as something else when you live in NYC. For me, it’s the dining room, my favorite space in the apartment, where more than just my cooking is on display! As I look out the windows onto a 12th floor terrace, various parts of nature (trees, bushes, flowers, bugs & animals) inspire me to write. Ryder, my 10-year old shiba inu, usually lays on my feet, growling when I shift positions too many times or when I forget to share my food! Although he’s only 20 pounds, he’s quite strong and pushy. But how else can you pen the best story possible without these things by your side?

Hope everyone has a great night and I hope to be bloggy hopping your way soon! I have a massive ARC reading and reviewing catch up ahead of me! *hides in shame* so hopefully there will be way more Dani now that technology is sort of back on my side! Wooohooo!❤ Anyways, thanks so much for checking out my review!😍💙❤

27 Comments on “Buddy Read Review With Jay Cudney: Aggravated Momentum by Didi Oviatt

  1. Fantastic review Dani. I already said to Didi, when I finish the current book that I am reading, this one will be the next one that I am going to read. Really looking forward to it. I’m glad that you enjoyed the novel so much, and after such a heartfelt and exciting review I am only looking forward to reading it even more. Great to see posts from you again: you are the best 😘❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Pingback: Aggravated Momentum by Didi Oviatt – The Militant Negro™

  3. What a great new look for the site! I’m glad you got WordPress functioning again. And this review… amazing! It was total fun being able to chat back and forth each day while we buddy read… thank you! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Dani, I can’t even describe how excited I am about this! I’m such a fan of yours too… and Jay, just wow!! To have the two of you read AM all at the same time, and to both give it such stellar reviews… I’m walking on a cloud! I’m just thrilled that you loved the read! 😍🤗

    Oh, and happy 4th!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m so looking forward to reading this book!! I saw that Jay liked it too, so with a recommendation from the two of you, I’m definitely in!!… Okay, so maybe I already had it on my list from Didi posting about it.. But, you guys reminded me that I really need to get to it!! 💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Reads & Reels Is Looking For Awesome Bloggers To Review Aggravated Momentum by @Didi_Oviatt | Touch My Spine Book Reviews