☆~Quote/Reading & Thoughts for The Day~☆

3 Card Spread Tarot Reading:1st Card~The Situtation-The Fool, 2nd Card~The Advice-The Ace of Wands,3rd Card~The Outcome-The World
A Quick Weekly Reading: I pulled such great cards when thinking about everyone that has supported me and wanted to share. The Fool lets us know that there is a new start, journey, or beginning to look forward. So the situation is you will be faced with a new experience, and with the Ace of Wands as the Way to handle it, it wants you to know to be passionate, be willing and take inspiration to this new journey you are starting or are on because your Outcome and reward is the World.❤❤❤ The World is successful completion. You will master what is needed and with this wonderful achievement and opportunity. It’s a wonderful feeling to succeed at our tasks and I hope that if this resonates with you that you have great sucess because you deserve it!❤

I just want you all to know I appreciate you all during this hard time and all your thoughts and prayers have meant the world to me. I appreciate this opportunity more than words can comprehend.❤❤❤I will be visiting as much as possible and I’m sorry for my slacking of duties. I have been having WordPress issues and if you are on any device and my header or format looks messed up if you are able to will you send a screenshot to daniellepirok88@gmail.com or on my social medias.😊 I have been battling back and forth with WordPress about my issues with this premium theme they gave me but I need to show screenshots and have been trying to fix the blog catch up on my readings and it’s been hard to put in my reviews with the current situation I am in. Please continue to have me in your thoughts as I face some scary issues.❤

Love your faces!😘🤗

8 Comments on “☆~Quote/Reading & Thoughts for The Day~☆

  1. Hiya chicken, no probs with your site on my mac, but I can never visit you on my iPad, when I get to your site it just freezes :/ I was thinking it’s because of all the gifs, as my iPad freezes when websites have a lot going on on them, so this probably isn’t the same problem, but who knows? Love your face too xxxx


  2. I have told you countless times: Really you have NOTHING to apologise for. I know you are facing some very tough challenges, and I hope you will get trough them okay. Then again, I know you will, because you are a powerhouse of a woman! ❤️😊
    Please take good care of yourself please, and I will always be here for you if you need someone. 😘😊 Love your new picture by the way! 😊😊

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