Free Kindle Books Feature: Free to Kill by Julie Melon

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Synopsis: FBI Agent Katie Freeman’s life has been upended. After being reassigned from Louisiana to middle Tennessee, her new bosses suspect that her reassignment is due to an indiscretion with her previous partner. Now, she and her new partner, Michael Powell, are asked to assist on the bewildering case of a woman who was kidnapped, tortured and left for dead on her own front porch. Before they can make any headway, a second woman disappears. As the number of missing women rises, Katie and Michael must work to figure out how the women are being abducted and where they are being held. Will they be too late to save the latest woman?
Complicating matters even further is a cold case left behind by Michael’s former partner. Who murdered Henry Stephens twenty-six years ago? What happened to Henry’s wife? And why does one of the suspects act like he knows Katie?

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Julie is a native of Central Kentucky. After receiving her degree in English, she chose a career in higher education finance. Fifteen years later, she decided to allow her inner creative genius loose and began writing. She has been an avid reader her entire life, with a special love for mysteries, so she thought it fitting to make her first novel one of suspense. Growing up as an Army brat, she has lived in several states and foreign countries. To this day, she enjoys traveling to new places and experiencing new cultures. When at home she is likely to be found enjoying a few extreme sports, such as: rock climbing, scuba diving, or whitewater rafting. Her willingness to enter into activities of mortal peril is balanced by her commitment to ensure the quality of life for animals through her service with various dog rescue organizations. She now lives in Middle Tennessee with her two dogs, Ginny and Luna.

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24 Comments on “Free Kindle Books Feature: Free to Kill by Julie Melon

  1. There is a lot of free erm shit (as you so funnily called it yourself) these days isn’t there? 😊😊 So cool that you continually share these. And wow the story for this one sounds cool. I love mysteries and cold case type of stories 😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

      • Haha: well I know one thing you are not only known for that: take my word on that 😘😘❤️❤️
        But it’s definitely cool to point these things out to us…so really thank you 😊😊 (Ps…did you get my email I sent a couple of days ago? 😊)


    • Thanks Book Sister! It’s going to be my new thing! I love free stuff so I’m going to find ones that look good and share! Lol. I liked the cover for this one too! I hope you are doing well! For some reason I keep thinking of you and having this strong urge and feeling that I need to pray for you so hope you are doing well! Thanks for stopping by my blog! *gentle hugs*

      Liked by 1 person

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