Book Review: Edge of Darkness by Karen Rose

I want to thank NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate this opportunity and all views expressed are my own.

U.S. Amazon Link / U.K. Amazon Link

A Cincinnati detective questions everything he knows–and everyone he trusts–in the new novel of romantic suspense from New York Times bestseller Karen Rose.

Homicide detective Adam Kimble is no stranger to battling demons. But Meredith Fallon is a different kind of weakness: one that could actually be good for him, if only he would let himself depend on her. Meredith has loved Adam for a year, and seeing how hard he’s worked to deal with his PTSD makes her feelings only stronger, but she respects his needs. Her work keeps her busy anyway: she counsels sexually abused women like Mallory Martin to help them reintegrate into the world.

But someone doesn’t want Meredith helping women like Mallory, and Meredith finds herself in the crosshairs of a very determined killer. Adam would risk anything for her, but they’ll soon find out she isn’t the only target…

I give this book 4 out of 5 Suspenseful Stars! This story was a great crime thriller that will have you turning pages like crazy! I picked up this title because I battle a severe form of PTSD and sometimes I enjoy reading how others cope with it whether it be fiction or not. The author had great descriptions of the characters emotions and you can feel the intensity through the pages. I love a good crime thriller and Karen Rose definitely delivered!

The reason I am not giving this book 5 Stars is because I had no idea it was part of a series and felt I missed out a tad but overall this story can totally be read on a standalone basis. I recommend this story to those who love a good crime thriller and are ready for an action packed plot!

14 Comments on “Book Review: Edge of Darkness by Karen Rose

  1. Jumping into the middle of a series reminds me of a true story, which was kind of funny. I’ll share it, because you’re awesome Dani. 🙂
    My dad and I were driving around. We were talking books. He’d just started the 11th book in an increasingly complex series (the kind that has a reference in it for who all the characters are and how they’re related to one another, plus throw in a dash of time-travelling. So, yeah, a bit complicated.)
    Anyways, I’d read the first 7 books or so, and then I started losing track and stopped following the series. But my dad, who drives a lot for work, had kept up with it. He loved the audiobooks and had listened to the whole series (thus far) about 3 times.
    It had been quite a while since the 10th book’s release. I asked my dad how they 11th one was going, and he said that he found it pretty confusing–it was hard to keep track of who was who anymore, and where they were, when they were, what they were doing, etc. He said it just wasn’t making a lot of sense anymore.
    Then he asked if I’d like to listen to some of it with him. I agreed, and he started the CD playing from where he’d left off. We listened to chapter seven together. When it ended, the narrator said, “Chapter Three.”
    And that was when we realized that my dad, who thought the book wasn’t making much sense, had been listening to it with the tracks shuffled.

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