Free Kindle Books Feature: Getting Wilde by Jenn Stark

Available for a limited time! Always check the amount when clicking the link. The buy now button just takes you to the Amazon Page!😘❤

Hilarious, sexy, and thrillingly high action. GET THIS BOOK!”- NYT Bestselling Author Darynda Jones
Using her well-worn Tarot deck, magical-artifacts hunter Sara Wilde can find anything–for a price. And the price had better be right, since she needs to finance her own personal mission to rescue several young psychics recently sold on the paranormal black market.
Enter Sara’s most mysterious client, the wickedly sexy Magician, with a job that could yield the ultimate payday. All she’ll have to do is get behind Vatican walls… and steal the Devil himself.
But play with the Devil and you’re bound to get burned.
Pressure mounts for Sara to join the Magician’s ancient and mysterious Arcana Council, as militant forces unleashed by even darker powers seek to destroy all magic–including the young psychics Sara is desperate to keep safe. The Council may be their only hope. . . but it could also expose Sara’s own dark past.
From the twisting catacombs of Rome to the neon streets of Vegas, Sara confronts ancient enemies, powerful demigods, a roiling magical underworld about to explode… and immortal passions that might require the ultimate sacrifice. But oh, what a way to go.
No matter how the cards play out, things are about to get Wilde.

Sorry I have been inactive folks! My son’s father was in critical conditional but is somewhat stable now. It’s been a rollercoaster ride for me but it’s all about dancing in the rain, right? Anyway, this book js free and I thought the prequel was awesome and is free as well if you click on my Amazon button you won’t be charged automatically and get the same deals I will just up my stats with Amazon! Woot, woot! *raising the roof*

Lots of love, hugs and thoughts,


17 Comments on “Free Kindle Books Feature: Getting Wilde by Jenn Stark

    • Omg!!! I was just literally thinking of you. Thinking I wonder how Grant has been I miss her so much and feel so bad I haven’t commented on her amazing posts!❤😱 Thanks for commenting sweetheart!❤❤❤ Even though my life is chaos, I always continue to help others.❤ It’s no not there fault for my strife and my heart still loves people through the grief. I just need to pick myself up and shake it off and handle my time better but I have also been volunteering online.❤ I hope your not working yourself to death with school and work, sweetheart.❤ You are in my thoughts!❤💯😘


  1. Free is always good! Thanks for letting us know.
    Hope you are starting to come out of the other side of all those troubles.
    Fingers crossed. 🙂 x
    Best wishes, Pete. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad you’re being so strong, Dani! ❤ And don't be sorry about being inactive, it's completely fine 😀 This books sounds great and FREE? Definitely checking out XD

    Liked by 1 person

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