*~Celebrating 900 Followers!!!~*

I am so flippin’ excited that earlier I received notification that I have over 900 followers and I am over the moon!

When I first started Touch My Spine Book Reviews under 6 months ago, I had no idea what I was doing! I didn’t know how to write a review for a blog and I was scared to be myself because if fear of rejection. So just really didn’t mess with the whole blogging shenanigans and then last year’s eclipse wanted me to rant and I said “screw it, I’m just going to be myself!” I posted this post: https://touchmyspinebookreviews.com/2017/08/21/2017-eclipse-in-moncks-corner-south-carolina/

After posting this post and my first time really stepping out there I got great feedback! What really helped was that Kim @ By Hook or By Book reblogged my post and she helped me gain the confidence that I needed to just be me!

I never thought that in under 6 months that Touch My Spine Book Reviews would go over 900 followers yet alone people look at my stuff! Last month I received 9,200+ views! Woot, Woot!!!

I have so many amazing friends and followers now! I just love them all! To name just a few because there are so many more, I want to thank Kim, Michel, Fraggle, Pete and Carrie! You guys are my top commenters! I am so glad I interact with you awesome people, daily with your loyal commenting! I also want to thank Sophie, Adrienne, Didi, Shalini, Shannanigans, Trang & Lashaan for all their support throughout these months of opening up to The World of Blog. There are so many more awesome people that follow me and want to name you all but it would take all day to write all your names so I am just going to say thank you to you all and you guys are the BEST! Now some more celebrating with Dani-style happy dances!💖💛💙💚

P.S. I am a bit sad that I don’t have time to list all of your names and sorry if I didn’t mention you or someone feels left out! I love you all so much!

108 Comments on “*~Celebrating 900 Followers!!!~*

  1. Those gifs 😂😂😂😂
    Seriously Dani the reason why you you are gaining followers every day is you, yourself and well: Dani 😘😘 Your blog is just a joy to read, the reviews are awesome, at times funny, at times exciting but also at times very heartbreaking. But all of this is because of the driving spirit behind this blog: you. To say that I think you are wonderful, is to almost say too less. You are without a doubt an inspiring, and powerful woman who should be proud of having achieved everything that she is at this moment. All the hardships all the things that you have experienced in life..to now be the woman that you are today is just simply breathtaking. I can only say that I am proud to call you my friend, and am loving every second of our friendship. I hope it will continue for many years. But for now: congratulations on this absolutely amazing milestone sweetheart. To say it in your words: You rock 😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! This is just fantastic and I’m so happy for you. If there is someone deserving some sweet in her life it’s you Dani. And thanks for the shoutout ❤ I wish you many more followers and even more important a better health.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 900 followers in 6 months??? Whoah… I really have to work better on my blog.. hahaha…Anyway, you really deserve this Dani.. You’re amazing 🙂 and very friendly. Not to mention, honest. 🙂 Truth is you deserve more friends and followers which I think is about to come to your way. And can I just laugh at those GIFs. Hahaha.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. WOW, WELL DONE DANI! You deserve each and every one of these 900 followers ❤ ❤ You're an amazing, hard working, committed and positive person so this was bound to happen, haha 😀 Good luck for everything that's coming your way and I hope you keep reaching such great milestones!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. For six months having 900 is amazing and you deserve all the love you get. I believe i started a month or two before you and im not at 60 yet😿, but thats ok too, would you like 900 people to comment on each post, you would need 2 weeks per per post for all the comments and recomments…(i type that slow…) But good on you Dani, hard work always pays of. Hope thos news will help you with getting better soon

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congrats beautiful. You’ve put ALOT of work into this. I hope you feel proud of yourself bc you’ve more than earned the recognition. 🤗😘😚

    Liked by 1 person

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