Song for A Lost Kingdom~Digital Reads

I want to give a big thanks to Shalini @Digital Reads Blog Tours. I apologize for this tour and others being late due to Hurricane Florence and a family member being admitted to ICU and another one very ill but I appreciate this opportunity and all views expressed are my own.

Music is not bound by time…

Adeena Stuart is a struggling cellist ready to give up on her dream of landing a spot with the National Arts Centre Orchestra. All that changes when she receives a musical score, lost for almost 300 years in a Scottish castle, sent by her dying grandmother.

When the score is played on the oldest surviving cello ever made in the UK, the music connects Adeena directly to the past as Katharine Carnegie, struggling to find words to complete her symphonic tour-de-force in the midst of 18th Century political rebellion that is tearing apart Scotland and England.

But Adeena is not a scientist or historian. What she wants more than anything is to create and compose. As she is buffeted back and forth between the past and present, she grows to want more of the past, even though the promise of her most yearned-for professional dream is coming true.

With a clear voice that sets us in modern day Ottawa and old world Scotland, Song for a Lost Kingdom, Book I, begins a journey of discovery between two women who share the same musical soul and love for the same doomed man.


Read for FREE with Kindle unlimited. Paperback version also available. Or, get the FREE 10k word Prequel to the Song for a Lost Kingdom Series.


FREE Prequel:


Scotland, 1746

KATHARINE’S ONLY CONCERN was for the new life taking hold in her womb. Only yesterday she had felt its first wondrous kick and now it stirred again, as his dirty fingers penetrated her roughly.

“Ahh,” the drunken Redcoat grunted. “Ye want it, don’t ya bitch?”

Katharine struggled to break free of his choking hold around her neck. But he only gripped tighter and pushed his thick fingers into her deeper. She felt another tiny kick in her belly as if in response to the gross violation.

“Stop!” she cried. “You’re hurting the baby!”

The soldier laughed and withdrew his fingers. “Yer traitor’s bastard?”

He kept one hand around her throat as he raised the other, showing her the filthy fingers that he had used so horribly inside of her. He brought them to her lips and her stomach wrenched.

“My brother’s coming.” She gathered all her strength into a warning glare.

He ignored the threat and shoved two foul fingers into her mouth, feeling around her tongue. “The Captain knows what you’ve done. And with who.” He paused a moment before retracting his fingers to her bottom lip, peeling it down as if he were examining an animal.

“Yer a strong wench. But I’ll no marry you, like he asked me to.” He let go of her and stood up. “I like your music, and I just want to ride you. My mate wants a turn too.” He started to unbutton his tunic and she knew she had to do something. Her mind was racing.

Her tone softened. “Can I undress first?”

He grinned, exposing his jagged brown teeth. “Yeah. Like ta see what I’m getting.” He sat down on the bed and began to remove his boots.

Katharine looked around to see where she had left her violoncello. She had brought it upstairs after tonight’s performance in the main hall of the Inn. Now it sat in the corner of the room and the bow lay on the table beside it, near a candle that provided the only light. She began to undress, a plan forming in her mind.

“Come over here wench,” the Redcoat called to her. He lay flat on the bed, his engorged organ standing at attention. “Get on me.”

She blew out the candle, gathered herself and walked slowly towards the man who waved his organ like a sword, grunting for her. The room was dark with only a faint moon outlining her shape. She came to the bedside, sickening herself with a faltering smile, displaying her bare breasts and crotch to him. As he reached to pull her on top of him, she took the bow from behind her back and in one swift movement, drove the end of it into his right eye.

He screamed in agony as she jumped away.

Katharine grabbed her dress off the floor, bolted out the door, down the stairs and out of Culloden House into the cold Scottish night.

This was a fantastic historical fiction! It had great characters and a great storyline. I truly enjoyed it during this hectic week and would definitely recommend it to those whom enjoy the genre.❤💛❤


I have always been drawn to passion and creativity in all its forms. I am equally fascinated by the mechanics of the universe and the characters of history. I have a special affection for the power of music which I believe is the universal language of human emotion.

My writing journey started in journalism, public relations and advertising then continued into software development (yes that involves writing)! Recently I finished a screenplay and my first novel, and am now embarking on this a full-time career.

I grew up in London, Ontario and also lived in Pompano Beach, Florida as a teenager. I moved to Ottawa and attended Carleton University many years ago and now live just south of the city with my wife, daughter and four dogs with attitude.

I look forward to your feedback. Sign up for my mailing list at and I’ll send you a FREE copy of the Prequel to the Song for a Lost Kingdom series






11 Comments on “Song for A Lost Kingdom~Digital Reads

  1. I’ve been a bit absent these past few days as I had a pretty nasty flu so was quite out of it. But slowly getting better again luckily. I’m sorry to hear that things are not going well with you, and I hope your family member is okay (and you yourself too❤️😊).
    Glad that the book at least was a good read for you 😊 I hope you are okay. Take good care of yourself and your loved ones 😘😊


  2. I have to agree with the comments and say it does sound a little bit like Outlander but maybe the cello part gives it its own magic? I hope you are okay dani and that your family members get better soon💗


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